Sunday, September 30, 2007

Still Losing Weight

I'm still losing weight since I got my new teeth. I'm losing a pound a day like I was the first week and a half. I'm continuing to eat my soup while adding ice cream and yogurt. I was actually able to eat a home made taco tonight.

I'm leaving tomorrow to go to the Philippines to my son's wedding. I'm not looking forward to the 24 hour flight but I am looking forward to seeing him and meeting the new wife to be and her family.

I'll be back in a week to update everyone on my trip and my weight progress. I'm such a procrastinatior, I'm still not done packing and we have to leave for the airport in about 7 hours.

Up up and awayyyyy!!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Saturday, September 29, 2007

E. Washington LA Weight Loss Centers ARE Closing

I was informed today by a very reliable source that the Eastern Washington LA Weight Loss Centers ARE closing. I was not given a specific date. I understand that normally they do not let their clients know when they are closing.

In the past, it was almost impossible to get a refund from LA Weight Loss Centers. Due to lawsuits filed in the past and the most recent one being filed against this company in Oregon, I was told, it is now relatively easy to get a refund. You can call on the phone and get your money back. They won't ask you for a detailed explanation.

Anyone know the date for these closings?


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss Program Avaiable For People in Canada

I received an email which was about a weight loss success story from a person in Canada. This person accredited their weight loss to a weight loss company called Nutrition in Motion. It is based in Toronto but also serves Ottawa and Montreal. This company has various diets you can chose from. You can pick the meals you want and they deliver breakfast, lunch and supper to your doorstep every morning. (How much fresher can you get than that? WOW)

This person has lost 17 pounds in 4 weeks and still going strong. Nutrition in Motion has just partnered with Strolf to offer a comprehensive diet and fitness plan. The "Nutrion and Training Program provides a person with a customized iet of freshly prepared gourmet meals in addition to tri-weekly PRIVATE training sessions with Strolf fitness personal.

Strolf Training (Stretching, Training, Rehabilitation for Optimum Life Fitness) System is a multi-disiplinary, stretching, strengthening and conditioning program that is custom tailored to each person's needs and goals.

I like the idea of working one-on-one with a trainer. I think going to a regular gym when you are way out of shape as well as being way too heavy is hard. I remember when I was going a few years ago, I was lucky enough to have a gym that not many people attended. (It actually went out of business) I know I could never have attended a busy gym. I think that is what makes this program so attractive.

It's work checking out for people who want to lose weight in Canada that live in or near Toronto, Ottawa, or Montreal.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Saturday, September 22, 2007

More LA Weight loss Centers Closing?

I received a comment from a reader in regards to the upcoming closings of more LA Weightloss Centers. The individual states that LA Weightloss Centers in Eastern Washington will be closing. If you belong to one of these centers, it might be a good time to get your money back or at least check into it.

I'm just sharing this information. I have know way of validating it. But it's worth checking out if you belong to one of these weightloss centers.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Weight Loss Product: Alli...How popular is it?

Yesterday when I was shopping for my trip I notice the weight loss product Alli is now priced at $49.00. The help book that goes with it is in the clearance aisle and it is on sale for $1.00.

When Alli first went on the market at our Walmart's it cost $69.00. I can't remember what the price of the book was that goes with it. It doesn't seem like it has been on the market that long.

I'm thinking the side effects would prevent a person from buying a second bottle. Guess we'll just wait and watch for that next miracle weight loss product to hit the market.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Lost Nine Pounds in Eight Days

I can't believe it but I've actually lost nine pounds in eight days. I credit much of that to all the water I am drinking. In fact, water is the only thing I've been drinking the past nine days.

I've been eating cream of mushroom, cream of celery, cream of chicken, and split pea soup (two pieces of fried chicken took me 45 minutes to eat one piece). I have also eaten ice cream three of these past nine evenings. Last night, I ate a banana for a evening snack.

I thought I would feel hungry and crave sweets. Oddly enough, I have to say I don't. I forgot to mention one night I had a cupcake (two in a package). It didn't taste good to me so I threw away the other one.

I feel great and plan on continuing this practice until I meet my weight loss goal. I realize this kind of diet isn't for everyone but it is what is working for me.

I lost weight one time before by starving myself. I actually only ate every third day. That time the only thing I ate was green vegetables, mostly green beans. I use to get terrible leg cramps doing it that way. I know that wasn't healthy.

This time I am listening to my body. As long as I feel good, I'm not going to change this weight loss method. I have decided I'll take a Women's One A Day Vitamin. I plan on eating other types of fruit in another week.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Friday, September 14, 2007

Weight Loss...Lose 100 Pounds With Behavioral Changes

To think a person could lose 100 pounds in just 44 weeks by changing their behavior is quite impressive. James Anderson, a doctor and professor at the University of Kentucky has just led a nine-year study of patients who have lost 100 or more pounds. This weight loss result was achieved by following an intensive behavioral program.

Dr James Anderson, who is a professor at the University of Kentucky (UK), has been involved in clinical research for more than 33 years. In the early 1980's, he pioneered the use of high fiber diets for treatment of diabetes and launched the "oatmeal craze." Therapeutic specialties include obesity, diabetes, lipid disorders, and nutrition. He is also the director of the Obesity Research Network, a nationwide network of physicians and scientists recognized for their work in the treatment of obesity and experience in clinical research trials.

There were 118 men and women involved in the weight loss study using behavioral changes. There were 63 men and 55 women involved in this 9-year study. The average starting weight of the participants was 353 pounds. The study showed the average weight loss was 134 pounds in just 44 weeks.

According to Anderson, "This study shows that one in four persons who participate in an intensive weight loss program for 12 weeks can go on to lose over 100 pounds. This program has much lower risks than surgery and can lead to similar long-term weight loss."

Study participants were enrolled in the Health Management Resources(HMR) Weight Management Program, an intensive behavioral program, which is a partnership between HMR and UK. The program is based on limited calorie intake -- 1,000 to 1,200 calories daily. They used specialty entrees and also meal replacements (ex: protein drink). They were also required to increase their physical activity. Most of the participants chose walking as their mode of exercise.

Their dramatic weight loss had many benefits. It lowered blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes, and sleep apnea. 66% of the group were able to discontinue their high blood pressure medicine as well as medication for high blood lipids. They were also able to discontinue medicine they were taking for diabetes or degenerative joint disease.

"Losing more than 100 pounds is a great achievement," Anderson said. "But the overall benefits in ability to enjoy life and be a full participant in activities with family and friends are more important to most people than are the reduced need to take medicine and worry about health issues."


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss....Rewarding....and Avoiding

When you are on a weight loss journey, it feel it is important to reward yourself when you have reached goals you have set. People always have off days as well and temptation can be so overpowering.. I was over at the thin club blog, she has a nice list of things to indulge ourselves with as well as a list of places to avoid.

I love sharing positive weight loss tips.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Sweating to the Hum of the Lawn Mower

There doesn't seem to be a break in this weather. Hot....Hot...Hot... AND ....Humid. I decided to cut the back and side yard yesterday. I started about 7 am with my trusty push mower. I worked until about 8:30 and had to call it quits because it was already so hot and my leg was really hurting. I went out again about 7 pm and cut some more. I quit about 8:30. That heat wipes me out but when I see how nice the yard looks when I'm done, it makes my efforts all worth while.

I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 1 1/2 pounds from yesterday. I'm sure I can attribute that to sweating during my lawn mower workout. I know I didn't drink enough fluids yesterday.

My husband works a lot outside. I'm always harping on him to take a break and drink some water. Me....I don't seem to follow my own advice. It's the ole saying "Do as I say, not as I do." (Sighs....will I ever learn?)


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

LA Weight Loss....7 Office closed Abruptly.....Why?

It appears all the LA Weight loss offices in Las Vegas have closed down without any warning. There is just a note in the door saying "Due to circumstances beyond our control, we can no longer conduct business."

I was reading an investigative article in the Las Vegas newspaper concerning this weight loss company. There have been a few states that have sued companies for misrepresentation on the fees they charge. (Geesh...there is a lot of money being made in this industry)

Perhaps the LA Weight Loss program has worked for some. I'm sure these people are mad to see it closed down and feel the allegations made are untrue. I think about the ones that have been scammed by various weight loss companies and complained to the right people to get something done.
I also think about the people that have forked out money and abruptly find the place closed. Perhaps it's best to think they have saved money in the long run.

It is going to be interesting to see how this weight loss story unfolds.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss----Facts About TOPS Club

Have you wondered why you've never heard of TOPS advertised? The TOPS Club is a nonprofit, noncommercial weight-loss support organization. It originated in Milwaukee, WI.

The group has been around since 1948. Ester Manz started the group as a response to the need to assist overweight and obese people lose weight by setting up a support group system. Over the years, as more weight issues began to surface such as bulimia and anorexia, TOPS expanded their scope to include ALL people with weight problems. They also created an incentive for club memebers who reach and maintain their weight at their goal level to stay in the club as KOPS )Keeps Off Pounds Sensibly) them extra recognition to help encourage other members in the club.


TOPS has over 200,000 memebers in nearly 10,000 chapters in the United States, Canada, and other countries throughout the world. Membership includes women, men, and children.


$24 ANNUALLY in the United States, $30 in Canada.

It's worth checking a chapter out in your area. I remember they let me come to a few meeting to see if I liked it before I joined.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

75% of the Nurse Staff Needs to Lose Weight

Recently I had to take my mom to the emergency room. As I sat outside her room near the nurses station I observed the staff. There were four nurses on duty. I watched them scoot back and forth across the floor in their chairs from one spot to another. I just shook my head. Two of them were eating chips and a third had a candy bar.
My point is, three of the four nurses were extremely overweight. They had me beat...and believe me...I still have to lose a lot of weight to be in the healthy range.

I thought to myself, what kind of example are they setting for patients? Most people look up to the medical profession. To me, they should know all the potential health problems obesity causes. I would think they'd address the weight loss issue way before they got that big. Perhaps they reinforce each others bad habits while at work. Even the girl at the intake desk had an open bag of doritos sitting on her desk when we filled out mom's paperwork.(She was overweight but not as extreme as the nurses)

As I sat there I thought, if they don't care anymore about themselves than that, how can they give good care to the patients? I watched two of them walk up to the intake area...they waddled. It was obvious, it was a real effort for them to walk.

I left there with a mom was ok and they made me fell thin for a short time.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss Success Story

I enjoy reading other weight loss blogs. I'm encouraged and am encouraged by so many people. Here is a successful weight loss video. (Pictures say thousand words) Another Weight Watchers success story.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Big Snake = Great Workout

The other day when my mom and I were going to town, I notice a big snake laying near a tree by the flower garden. I said to mom, "I'm going to kill Alex for putting that fake snake there. He knows how much I hate them." When my husband got home, I told him to pick up that dumb snake and throw it away. He picked up a stick near the tree and told me I must be seeing things. Then I knew...OMG....I had seen a REAL snake. I was panic stricken at just the thought of seeing that thing again.

Mom and I then went to sit in the gazebo. Still upset about the snake, I told my husband, I bet that thing is in that grill cover you left on the ground. He went over to pick it up ....sure enough...I saw the tail. I let out the biggest scream and ran into the house with mom right behind me.

Of course, the snake got away from him and slithered into the flower garden next to the house. Alex was using the rake trying to find him to no avail. Then, low and behold, I saw the thing trying to climb through the metal vent to get under the house. At the top of my voice I shouted, "There he is...there he is...get him Alex...get him." My husband was able to catch him. Whew...what a relief. He said it was a rat snake and took it way down by the pond to let it go.

When my husband got back, I had him take the weed eater and cut down every vine and flower in that flower bed next to the house. I then took the rake, hoe, and shovel and dug everything out of there. I now have a large area of just dirt. (NO snake is going to hid out there again.) I wasn't smart enough to wear gloves. Needless to say, I'm sporting blisters on my left hand. (wondering why it's just my one hand)

That snake lead to a great workout I had not planned. I can feel it in my shoulders and upper arms. Working in the flower bed is a lot more fun than lifting weights. Now I'm going to have to figure out what to put in that flower bed.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weighing All the Facts and Fighting Back

I recently joined a group called Sisterwoman. It's a site where people share personal stories and where you get support and encouragement from other members.

I wanted to share an article having to do with child custody and abuse.( give the site a few seconds to load...and the voice with start automatically) It is heart wrenching to say the least. Rather than just talk about the cases, we need to write/call our congressman and relay our concern with these issues.

People in these situations need support and encouragement from all of us. Leaving them a message could be what makes the difference between them giving up or fighting on. Take the time and leave a message.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Sizing Up Your Food Portions

It's hard to figure out what or how much makes up a portion when preparing your food. It's obvious I've had to many portions on my plate and that is why I'm now having to lose weight.

Here are a few samples of various food and what counts as a serving:

1. BREAD: 1 slice of toast, 1 ounce of boxed cereal, 1/2 cup cooked cereal, 1/2 bagel

2. VEGETABLES: 1 cup raw, leafy vegetables, 1/2 cup cooked vegetable

3. FRUIT: 1 med piece of fruit, 1/2 cup mixed fruit, 3/4 cup fruit juice

4. MILK: 1 cup milk or yogurt, 2 ounces of processed cheese

5. MEAT: 2-3 ounces cooked lean meat, poultry or fish (size of deck of cards)

6. OTHER FOODS: 1 egg, 2 tablespoons peanut butter, 1/3 cup nuts.

I have found that using a small size plate helps. It looks like you have a lot more to eat. For me, it's mind over matter. As a child I was always made to clean off my plate. I still live that way but have changed to a smaller plate. Some things are so ingrained, I just can't change. It's all about adapting to continue this successful weight loss journey.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Another day walking more than 10,000 Steps

Yesterday, we went to two different Lowe's stores in our area to get more stuff we need for the garage. Of course, I had my Omron pedometer in my pocket. (So easy to light weight) I like that store as much as my husband. I'm always finding something I want there...even if it means putting it on a wish list.

When we were walking to the truck after the second trip, I looked at my pedometer. It was close to 10,000 steps. I usually walk between 2500 and 3000 steps during my day at home. I was surprised and pleased to see I had walked that much.

If it gets too hot or too cold, I'll just be going to my local Lowe's to walk. The aisles are nice and wide and pushing a cart takes some pressure off my knees. The concrete floors are exactly ideal but as long as I keep moving it's ok.

So, if you are trying to figure out where to walk, try Menards (they have wide aisles too), Home Depot, or Lowes. When I lived up north, I use to find the malls kind of crowded and couldn't walk as fast as I wanted quite often. Down here, there aren't any inside malls close. I'm glad I accidentally found another place to go.

My weight loss plan for today is: no breakfast.....grilled boneless chicken breast, brown rice, fresh peas, and a garden salad for lunch....supper......will be the other half of my chicken breast along with a salad and some squash from our garden. When I feel like snacking today....I've got garden tomatoes already sliced and will also have so green grapes I bought yesterday. Of course, today I plan on drinking plenty of water.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

L A Weight Loss....Divided by two Equal....New Name

A few years ago, L A Weight Loss was divide in half with one owner taking control of all corporate owned and operated centers which were called LA Weight Loss Centers, Inc. The other half became the franchisor of the franchised owned centers. It appears that during the past three years, the two separate companies have grown in different directions with obvious different program changes. For this reason, the corporate owned and operated centers have changed their name to Pure Weight Loss.

According to Pure Weight Loss, by changing their name, they now have complete control over their brand and reputation. They chose "Pure" because they felt it reprsents their focus and mission to offer healthy and effective weight loss programs to the public.

Pure Weight Loss is one of the largest weight loss companies. They claim to have over 400 centers through out the country. They claim to have helped over a million people lose and maintain their weight for the past 18 years. They accomplished this through customized meal plans, and a balanced food program, along with one-on-one weight loss counseling.

I went to
Pure Weight Loss
to see what the new site looked like. There is a place to put in your zip code. When I did that, it took me to a site called L A Weight Loss. I sure found that rather odd. It looks like perhaps they don't have all their ducks in a row yet. I'm sure it is quite an undertaking, changing names with all their stores. I'm wondering though, is it that hard to change the name on a website?

Like Shakespeare said, "What's in a name that ........" If it successfully helps a person lose weight......who really cares what it's called. It must be all about the think?


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Lose Weight on the Dog Diet

I was reading an article in the Orlando Sentinal about Patti Lawson. author of The Dog Diet. Things happened in her life making her unhappy. (this happens to all of us) Like many of us, she turned to food for comfort.

She decided to get a dog to help relieve her loneliness. This was the beginning of the dog diet.
These are my two dogs, the newest addition, Sara 8 months old and Meadow 3 years old whom we got when she was 8 months old. My children are all grown and out of the house. These "girls" have added so much joy to our lives.

Tips from Lawson's book :
  1. When it comes to snacking, if your dog likes it, it's probably not good for you. ( When I eat cheddar cheese and sour cream potato chips, it's one for me, one for Meadow, and one for Sara.)
  2. Eat quiet foods that don't emit enticing aromas---they're good for you and won't arouse the beast in your dog. (My dogs never hang around me when I'm eating a salad.)
  3. Sure, you can walk your dog, but a traditional workout can be adapted to include your dog--you burn more calories and it's a lot more fun. (The dogs and I run around playing frisbee and ball in the yard. That wears us all out.)
It's all about having fun on your weight loss journey. Grab your dog and head for the yard. You'll both end up having a good time. (I've learned not to wear good dogs love jumping up on me.)


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Burned 572 calories already this morning

It's another hot and humid day in southwestern Tennessee. I've already been outside digging in another flower bed this morning. My goal is to dig up every tiger lily in this yard. Although they bloom for a long time, I don't like the way they look when they quit blooming (good brush for snakes to hide).

Since my pedometer can't measure this kind of work...I went to to calculate my calories burned. Wow....572 calories. It's a great site. By just putting in your weight and time worked, it will show the calories burned for lots of activities.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Eating Healthy ...It All Looks So Good

All the fruits and vegetables look so appetizing in this picture. Every week when I buy groceries, I always load up on all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. They look so good in the produce department. My problem is, I tend to leave them in the crisper drawers or they get pushed to the back of the refrigerator. They don't see the light of day again until I clean out the refrigerator and toss the spoiled stuff out.

I've cut down on my candy and chip intake but still have a hard time increasing fresh vegetables and fruit. I'm losing weight slowly but I know if I would eat the fresh produce, I'd be a lot healthier.

The last time I tried to give blood, I was rejected. They told me I had low iron and that I was anemic. That sure suprised me. I was embarrassed when I left, wondering what the other people thought that were waiting to give blood. I'm sure they never for a minute thought a person my size would be rejected for being anemic.

I bought some women's One-a-day vitamins that day. I haven't tried to give blood since my last rejection. I'll try again in a couple of months.

I've hung an article on my refrigerator called: Fruits and Vegetables: Eating Your Way to 5 A Day to remind me to grab a bunch of grapes or a plum and forget eating leftovers when I want a snack.

Forty-two percent of the the American population eats less than two servings a day of fruit and vegetables. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is five to nine servings in a day. We have a LONG way to go!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Losing Weight ....Ouch....It Hurts

I went to the dentist on Tuesday and had all my teeth pulled and new dentures put in. Oh my, did that hurt. I still can't believe I did it. I'm so scared of needles. I had to take 4 xantax before I went just to keep me calm enough to stay in the chair.

In the morning they took the impressions for my dentures. I had to go back at two pm to get my teeth pulled out. Of course, I had to have one stubborn tooth. He had to cut it out so I ended up with stiches. The dentist then put in my dentures. So glad my mouth was still numb.

My husband stopped to get my pain pills on the way home. The dentist told me to take one before the numbness had totally worn off. I don't like to take pills, so I've only taken three since Tuesday.

I know I'll be losing so real weight for awhile. The only thing I've been able to eat is two cans of mushroom soup on Wednesday. Today, I've had a can of cream of celery soup.

Eating like this, I should be able to shed the weight quickly. This time, I'm going to KEEP it off.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Walked over 12,000 Steps

It was another hot and humid day yesterday. We left about 7 am to get an early start cutting our lawns. I remembered my pedometer and plenty of water and diet Lipton green tea. I always use the push mower and my husband uses the riding mower. That thing scares me so I'd rather use the push one.

I checked my pedometer and I had walked a whopping 12,000 steps. Wooohooo!! My right knee and leg were hurting by the time we got finished but they were feeling better by late evening.

I've lost another 2 pounds since my last weigh in. Losing weight this time is so much easier since I've made up my own plan of action. Secondly, and just as important in my weight loss program, document, document, document. I can't stress that enough. Seeing what you eat and drink in black and white really makes you more accountable. I always write down what time I ate as well. It helps me as well so see my eating patterns and what I need to concentrate on in changing to succeed at this weight loss.

We all know what are healthy choices we need to make in our lives to lose weight. All your plans and books out there tell you exercise along with proper food choices will be a win-win weight loss program.

Which ever weight loss program you do.....don't give up. There are still 183 days left this year to make a difference. Always remember to drink plenty of water!!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Exercising with Bad Knees/Ankles

I had suggested in an earlier post to walk in a Menards, Lowes, or Home Depot. I realize not everyone has those stores where they live. One place most towns have is a grocery store. A person can walk there with a cart for assistance. Using the cart will give you a degree of support for your knees as well as your ankles depending on how you lean on the cart. Walk the perimeter of the store pushing your time, two times, etc. Whatever is your comfort level to start out. Take your pedometer with you so you can document your progress when you get home.

As it starts to get easier and you build your confidence and stamina, add some weight to your cart. I suggest packages of dog food since the weight is on the package. The one thing nice about dog food, they come in packages ranging from 4 pounds up to 50. Putting them in the cart and back on the shelf when your done walking will also help build your arms.

Since everyone's physic is different, you have to rely on what feels comfortable for you. We are all use to pushing a grocery cart. Using it as a weight loss tool gives it a dual purpose. I can't stress enough, to document your walks when you get home. It's nice to see your progress in black and white.

There are still 180 days left to in this year to get on the weight loss bandwagon.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss Failures.....Who's to Blame?

As I stated in my last post, I sited poor food choices and bad habits as the culprits for people having trouble losing weight. I realized there are more elements that contribute to weight loss problems for dieters.

There are so many weight loss plans, pills, equipment, and books written about weight loss. How many of them make claims that are untrue. Let me be a little more blunt about it. How many of them are scams and make fraudulent promises? There are too many!!! There doesn't seem to be a lot of repercussions for any of these miracle diet plans or pills when they are exposed as scams.

A few have helped weight loss but at what cost? Drugs such as fen phen as well as ephedra, and redux have caused death.
According to the RAND report, the number of deaths, myocardial infarctions, cerebrovascular accidents, seizures, and serious psychiatric illnesses in young adults is sufficient to warrant further evaluation of the safety of these products in a controlled manner (such as a hypothesis-testing case-control study) to test the possibility that consumption of ephedra or ephedrine causes these serious adverse events.

In 1997, fen phen and redux were taken off the market. There were many class action lawsuits filled against these manufacturers. These drugs caused a wide variety of health problems, ranging from vascular problems in women to heart problems.

As I stated before, weight loss is all about calories in/ calories out. If we lower our calorie intake and increase our exercise, the weight will come off. It's important to remember, losing weight slow gives a person a better chance of KEEPING it off. Read your labels, trade in that piece of cake for some fruit. Take the steps instead of the elevator. Trade in a half hour soap opera for a walk in the park.

Bottom line is this: No one knows your body better than you do. A low-calorie cookbook is going to do you far more good than many of the scams and fads available in the weight loss industry. Weight loss is a slow process.....just DON"T give up!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Lose Weight .....Why It's So Hard

We all know that losing or gaining weight has to do with calories in/calories out. It can't get much simpler than that. So what's our problem? Why is there so much money spent on the 100's of various weight loss pills and programs out there?

It's the POOR CHOICES we make in our daily lives that lead to packing on the extra pounds. We've incorporated quick and easy in our lives far too much. Have you noticed how many new restaurants are going up in your area? A good portion of fast food places have also spent big bucks on updating their establishments as well. I recently saw a Taco Bell that now has internet access.

Another point which makes it hard to lose weight, is our to inability to break bad habits. It sure is easier to grab a cheeseburger and fries at a fast food drive-thru than it is to try and eat a healthy salad or a plain baked potato. Of course, we have to wash our food down with a soda. Water isn't listed under drink options although you can get it if you ask.

It's all about time. We have convince ourselves we are too busy most of the timeto fix ourselves a healthy lunch before leaving for work in the morning. If we don't have time to fix a lunch, we also tell ourselves we don't have time to eat a healthy lunch. We seem to meet ourselves coming and going on this time line.

In actuality, we are killing ourselves. We are shortening our time line. Next time you go to order that cheeseburger and fries....think about your priorities. Don't you want to be around to see your kids and grandkids grow up?

My advice is QUIT procrastinating and make POSITIVE choices to start down your weight loss path. It's all about getting your priorities in order. And as I've stated before, DOCUMENT .... DOCUMENT .... DOCUMENT. Writing things down will show you in black and white what works for you.'s all about calories in and calories out. Proper food choices and
exercise are the keys to weight loss success.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

While Losing Weight......Ways to Strength and Condition as Well

There is a lot of reliable information available at the National Strength and Conditioning Association. It is one of the world's leading authorities on strength and conditioning. The site offers reliable, research-based, strength and conditioning information. It's intent is based more on action and less on hype.

There are so many exercise videos available on this website. There is something there for everyone. It's worth checking out.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

You Can Be In a Weight Loss Study in Your Area

Have you ever wondered where Universities and Drug Companies find people to participate in their weight loss clinical trials? I've never known anyone who was involved in any type of study. I think it would be interesting to try one.

I'm wondering if being a part of a weight loss clinical study would be more likely to keep a person motivated to reach their goal and maintain their weight loss. I wonder what the success rate is for completion of various weight loss trials. The more I think, the more questions I raise.

I was researching clinical studies and came across the University of Kentucky's website. They have done/do all types of research. They recently completed a 44 week weight loss study where the average weight lost was 134 pounds. WOW!!!!!

The University of Kentucky is located in Lexington. They have various studies available in which you can participate if you meet the criteria. You can also put your name on a list for upcoming studies.

There is another site in which offers various clinical trials. They cover a multitude of conditions as well as weight loss. All you have to do is type in what type of research you are interested as well as which area and it will research clinical studies available in that field for that area. The site is called Clinical

I found another site, National Cancer Institute. At this site you can find a clinical trial in which to participate. You can also read the results of studies done on various types of cancer.

Last but not least is another site in which you can apply to be a participant in various clinical studies. This site is called Center Watch. This site covers a multitude of studies as well as their geographic region.

I'm debating on whether to become a participant in one of these studies. Sitting here thinking, perhaps if I find a study that involves weight loss as well as high blood pressure, I might just see if I meet the requirements of a study planned for an area I'm near.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss Center---Non-Profit

I've been in lots of different weight loss programs during my life. I was going through a drawer and came across a calendar from TOPS. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) I remembered it was very inexpensive to join and attend these meetings.

I checked out the Tops Weight Loss site and see it still only costs $24.00 to join for an entire year. They have an online plan as well, it's cost is $25.50 for the year.

Finding this booklet sure has brought back memories for me. My office cleaning lady ask me if I'd be interested in joining the group with her. We not only lost weight but made so good friends as well.

People were so friendly and the motivation was so amazing. When someone didn't come for a few weeks, we'd send a postcard and let them know we missed them. It was a real caring group.

I had to sit and think why I quit going. I remembered, I took on a second job and had to work when the group met. Eventually, I got a promotion and moved away from the area. By then, I had lost weight and was down to a healthy weight.

This site is packed with tons of information. They even have a 28 day menu available for a 1500 calorie diet.

Perhaps there is a Tops weight loss center in your area. It would be worth checking out. They have a locator button on their website so you can see if there is a group near you.

If nothing else.....check out the monthly diet chart. So many ideas for meals. Losing weight at a minimal cost....what more can a person ask for!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Quit Smoking Anniversary

Time has gone by so fast. I can't believe it's been two years since I had my last cigarette. Actually it's July 28th is the official date. I am one of those awful reformed smokers. I hate the smell of smoke.

I tried so many different methods to quit smoking with no success. It was nothing to chew nicorette gum and have a cigarette with it. It seemed the more I tried to quit, the more I smoked. I was up to three packs a day when I put them down.

I finally realized, the only way I was going to be able to beat this addiction was with God's help. I prayed and prayed. I prayed for months....I only got seemed to get worse. I was about to give up. (I had quit once before for 5 years but started again the day my daughter died.)

I figured God was tired of me asking for stuff. Low and behold....I'll never forget that morning. I woke up and I had this feeling inside..... I can't even describe it. It was like this little voice said, today is the day you throw away those cigarettes. I told my husband and mom, "hey hey is the day.....I'm done smoking."

I still wasn't sure at first so I kept a carton in my drawer for about a month. I never had one temptation to have one. Since I had been smoking over three packs a day....I call that a miracle.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Losing Weight on a Cookie Diet?

Dr Sanford Siegel, a renowned weight loss expert, just opened the first retail store for his diet cookies in Moorestown Mall in South Jersey. These cookies are packed with amino acids of some sort to curb your appetite as well as take a nice chunk out of your wallet. Six cookies a day....will it keep the fat away? Hmmmmm I think that's how I got this way....the cookie monster got a hold of me wayyyy too often.

It it's a weight loss tool that works for some....that's great. I guess I'm just a skeptic about such things.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Thursday, September 6, 2007

L A Weight Loss....Divided by two Equal....New Name

A few years ago, L A Weight Loss was divide in half with one owner taking control of all corporate owned and operated centers which were called LA Weight Loss Centers, Inc. The other half became the franchisor of the franchised owned centers. It appears that during the past three years, the two separate companies have grown in different directions with obvious different program changes. For this reason, the corporate owned and operated centers have changed their name to Pure Weight Loss.

According to Pure Weight Loss, by changing their name, they now have complete control over their brand and reputation. They chose "Pure" because they felt it reprsents their focus and mission to offer healthy and effective weight loss programs to the public.

Pure Weight Loss is one of the largest weight loss companies. They claim to have over 400 centers through out the country. They claim to have helped over a million people lose and maintain their weight for the past 18 years. They accomplished this through customized meal plans, and a balanced food program, along with one-on-one weight loss counseling.

I went to
Pure Weight Loss
to see what the new site looked like. There is a place to put in your zip code. When I did that, it took me to a site called L A Weight Loss. I sure found that rather odd. It looks like perhaps they don't have all their ducks in a row yet. I'm sure it is quite an undertaking, changing names with all their stores. I'm wondering though, is it that hard to change the name on a website?

Like Shakespeare said, "What's in a name that ........" If it successfully helps a person lose weight......who really cares what it's called. It must be all about the think?


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss...Lose 100 Pounds With Behavioral Changes

To think a person could lose 100 pounds in just 44 weeks by changing their behavior is quite impressive. James Anderson, a doctor and professor at the University of Kentucky has just led a nine-year study of patients who have lost 100 or more pounds. This weight loss result was achieved by following an intensive behavioral program.

Dr James Anderson, who is a professor at the University of Kentucky (UK), has been involved in clinical research for more than 33 years. In the early 1980's, he pioneered the use of high fiber diets for treatment of diabetes and launched the "oatmeal craze." Therapeutic specialties include obesity, diabetes, lipid disorders, and nutrition. He is also the director of the Obesity Research Network, a nationwide network of physicians and scientists recognized for their work in the treatment of obesity and experience in clinical research trials.

There were 118 men and women involved in the weight loss study using behavioral changes. There were 63 men and 55 women involved in this 9-year study. The average starting weight of the participants was 353 pounds. The study showed the average weight loss was 134 pounds in just 44 weeks.

According to Anderson, "This study shows that one in four persons who participate in an intensive weight loss program for 12 weeks can go on to lose over 100 pounds. This program has much lower risks than surgery and can lead to similar long-term weight loss."

Study participants were enrolled in the Health Management Resources(HMR) Weight Management Program, an intensive behavioral program, which is a partnership between HMR and UK. The program is based on limited calorie intake -- 1,000 to 1,200 calories daily. They used specialty entrees and also meal replacements (ex: protein drink). They were also required to increase their physical activity. Most of the participants chose walking as their mode of exercise.

Their dramatic weight loss had many benefits. It lowered blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes, and sleep apnea. 66% of the group were able to discontinue their high blood pressure medicine as well as medication for high blood lipids. They were also able to discontinue medicine they were taking for diabetes or degenerative joint disease.

"Losing more than 100 pounds is a great achievement," Anderson said. "But the overall benefits in ability to enjoy life and be a full participant in activities with family and friends are more important to most people than are the reduced need to take medicine and worry about health issues."


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Another day walking more than 10,000 Steps

Yesterday, we went to two different Lowe's stores in our area to get more stuff we need for the garage. Of course, I had my Omron pedometer in my pocket. (So easy to light weight) I like that store as much as my husband. I'm always finding something I want there...even if it means putting it on a wish list.

When we were walking to the truck after the second trip, I looked at my pedometer. It was close to 10,000 steps. I usually walk between 2500 and 3000 steps during my day at home. I was surprised and pleased to see I had walked that much.

If it gets too hot or too cold, I'll just be going to my local Lowe's to walk. The aisles are nice and wide and pushing a cart takes some pressure off my knees. The concrete floors are exactly ideal but as long as I keep moving it's ok.

So, if you are trying to figure out where to walk, try Menards (they have wide aisles too), Home Depot, or Lowes. When I lived up north, I use to find the malls kind of crowded and couldn't walk as fast as I wanted quite often. Down here, there aren't any inside malls close. I'm glad I accidentally found another place to go.

My weight loss plan for today is: no breakfast.....grilled boneless chicken breast, brown rice, fresh peas, and a garden salad for lunch....supper......will be the other half of my chicken breast along with a salad and some squash from our garden. When I feel like snacking today....I've got garden tomatoes already sliced and will also have so green grapes I bought yesterday. Of course, today I plan on drinking plenty of water.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

You Can Be In a Weight Loss Study in Your Area

Have you ever wondered where Universities and Drug Companies find people to participate in their weight loss clinical trials? I've never known anyone who was involved in any type of study. I think it would be interesting to try one.

I'm wondering if being a part of a weight loss clinical study would be more likely to keep a person motivated to reach their goal and maintain their weight loss. I wonder what the success rate is for completion of various weight loss trials. The more I think, the more questions I raise.

I was researching clinical studies and came across the University of Kentucky's website. They have done/do all types of research. They recently completed a 44 week weight loss study where the average weight lost was 134 pounds. WOW!!!!!

The University of Kentucky is located in Lexington. They have various studies available in which you can participate if you meet the criteria. You can also put your name on a list for upcoming studies.

There is another site in which offers various clinical trials. They cover a multitude of conditions as well as weight loss. All you have to do is type in what type of research you are interested as well as which area and it will research clinical studies available in that field for that area. The site is called Clinical

I found another site, National Cancer Institute. At this site you can find a clinical trial in which to participate. You can also read the results of studies done on various types of cancer.

Last but not least is another site in which you can apply to be a participant in various clinical studies. This site is called Center Watch. This site covers a multitude of studies as well as their geographic region.

I'm debating on whether to become a participant in one of these studies. Sitting here thinking, perhaps if I find a study that involves weight loss as well as high blood pressure, I might just see if I meet the requirements of a study planned for an area I'm near.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Quit Smoking Anniversary

Time has gone by so fast. I can't believe it's been two years since I had my last cigarette. Actually it's July 28th is the official date. I am one of those awful reformed smokers. I hate the smell of smoke.

I tried so many different methods to quit smoking with no success. It was nothing to chew nicorette gum and have a cigarette with it. It seemed the more I tried to quit, the more I smoked. I was up to three packs a day when I put them down.

I finally realized, the only way I was going to be able to beat this addiction was with God's help. I prayed and prayed. I prayed for months....I only got seemed to get worse. I was about to give up. (I had quit once before for 5 years but started again the day my daughter died.)

I figured God was tired of me asking for stuff. Low and behold....I'll never forget that morning. I woke up and I had this feeling inside..... I can't even describe it. It was like this little voice said, today is the day you throw away those cigarettes. I told my husband and mom, "hey hey is the day.....I'm done smoking."

I still wasn't sure at first so I kept a carton in my drawer for about a month. I never had one temptation to have one. Since I had been smoking over three packs a day....I call that a miracle.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Lose Weight on the Dog Diet

I was reading an article in the Orlando Sentinal about Patti Lawson. author of The Dog Diet. Things happened in her life making her unhappy. (this happens to all of us) Like many of us, she turned to food for comfort.

She decided to get a dog to help relieve her loneliness. This was the beginning of the dog diet.
These are my two dogs, the newest addition, Sara 8 months old and Meadow 3 years old whom we got when she was 8 months old. My children are all grown and out of the house. These "girls" have added so much joy to our lives.

Tips from Lawson's book :
  1. When it comes to snacking, if your dog likes it, it's probably not good for you. ( When I eat cheddar cheese and sour cream potato chips, it's one for me, one for Meadow, and one for Sara.)
  2. Eat quiet foods that don't emit enticing aromas---they're good for you and won't arouse the beast in your dog. (My dogs never hang around me when I'm eating a salad.)
  3. Sure, you can walk your dog, but a traditional workout can be adapted to include your dog--you burn more calories and it's a lot more fun. (The dogs and I run around playing frisbee and ball in the yard. That wears us all out.)
It's all about having fun on your weight loss journey. Grab your dog and head for the yard. You'll both end up having a good time. (I've learned not to wear good dogs love jumping up on me.)


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Losing Weight on a Cookie Diet?

Dr Sanford Siegel, a renowned weight loss expert, just opened the first retail store for his diet cookies in Moorestown Mall in South Jersey. These cookies are packed with amino acids of some sort to curb your appetite as well as take a nice chunk out of your wallet. Six cookies a day....will it keep the fat away? Hmmmmm I think that's how I got this way....the cookie monster got a hold of me wayyyy too often.

It it's a weight loss tool that works for some....that's great. I guess I'm just a skeptic about such things.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

While Losing Weight......Ways to Strength and Condition as Well

There is a lot of reliable information available at the National Strength and Conditioning Association. It is one of the world's leading authorities on strength and conditioning. The site offers reliable, research-based, strength and conditioning information. It's intent is based more on action and less on hype.

There are so many exercise videos available on this website. There is something there for everyone. It's worth checking out.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss Failures.....Who's to Blame?

As I stated in my last post, I sited poor food choices and bad habits as the culprits for people having trouble losing weight. I realized there are more elements that contribute to weight loss problems for dieters.

There are so many weight loss plans, pills, equipment, and books written about weight loss. How many of them make claims that are untrue. Let me be a little more blunt about it. How many of them are scams and make fraudulent promises? There are too many!!! There doesn't seem to be a lot of repercussions for any of these miracle diet plans or pills when they are exposed as scams.

A few have helped weight loss but at what cost? Drugs such as fen phen as well as ephedra, and redux have caused death.
According to the RAND report, the number of deaths, myocardial infarctions, cerebrovascular accidents, seizures, and serious psychiatric illnesses in young adults is sufficient to warrant further evaluation of the safety of these products in a controlled manner (such as a hypothesis-testing case-control study) to test the possibility that consumption of ephedra or ephedrine causes these serious adverse events.

In 1997, fen phen and redux were taken off the market. There were many class action lawsuits filled against these manufacturers. These drugs caused a wide variety of health problems, ranging from vascular problems in women to heart problems.

As I stated before, weight loss is all about calories in/ calories out. If we lower our calorie intake and increase our exercise, the weight will come off. It's important to remember, losing weight slow gives a person a better chance of KEEPING it off. Read your labels, trade in that piece of cake for some fruit. Take the steps instead of the elevator. Trade in a half hour soap opera for a walk in the park.

Bottom line is this: No one knows your body better than you do. A low-calorie cookbook is going to do you far more good than many of the scams and fads available in the weight loss industry. Weight loss is a slow process.....just DON"T give up!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Lose Weight .....Why It's So Hard

We all know that losing or gaining weight has to do with calories in/calories out. It can't get much simpler than that. So what's our problem? Why is there so much money spent on the 100's of various weight loss pills and programs out there?

It's the POOR CHOICES we make in our daily lives that lead to packing on the extra pounds. We've incorporated quick and easy in our lives far too much. Have you noticed how many new restaurants are going up in your area? A good portion of fast food places have also spent big bucks on updating their establishments as well. I recently saw a Taco Bell that now has internet access.

Another point which makes it hard to lose weight, is our to inability to break bad habits. It sure is easier to grab a cheeseburger and fries at a fast food drive-thru than it is to try and eat a healthy salad or a plain baked potato. Of course, we have to wash our food down with a soda. Water isn't listed under drink options although you can get it if you ask.

It's all about time. We have convince ourselves we are too busy most of the timeto fix ourselves a healthy lunch before leaving for work in the morning. If we don't have time to fix a lunch, we also tell ourselves we don't have time to eat a healthy lunch. We seem to meet ourselves coming and going on this time line.

In actuality, we are killing ourselves. We are shortening our time line. Next time you go to order that cheeseburger and fries....think about your priorities. Don't you want to be around to see your kids and grandkids grow up?

My advice is QUIT procrastinating and make POSITIVE choices to start down your weight loss path. It's all about getting your priorities in order. And as I've stated before, DOCUMENT .... DOCUMENT .... DOCUMENT. Writing things down will show you in black and white what works for you.'s all about calories in and calories out. Proper food choices and
exercise are the keys to weight loss success.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Exercising with Bad Knees/Ankles

I had suggested in an earlier post to walk in a Menards, Lowes, or Home Depot. I realize not everyone has those stores where they live. One place most towns have is a grocery store. A person can walk there with a cart for assistance. Using the cart will give you a degree of support for your knees as well as your ankles depending on how you lean on the cart. Walk the perimeter of the store pushing your time, two times, etc. Whatever is your comfort level to start out. Take your pedometer with you so you can document your progress when you get home.

As it starts to get easier and you build your confidence and stamina, add some weight to your cart. I suggest packages of dog food since the weight is on the package. The one thing nice about dog food, they come in packages ranging from 4 pounds up to 50. Putting them in the cart and back on the shelf when your done walking will also help build your arms.

Since everyone's physic is different, you have to rely on what feels comfortable for you. We are all use to pushing a grocery cart. Using it as a weight loss tool gives it a dual purpose. I can't stress enough, to document your walks when you get home. It's nice to see your progress in black and white.

There are still 180 days left to in this year to get on the weight loss bandwagon.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

5 Weeks And 21 Pounds Lighter - Jessies Weight Loss Story

jessies weight loss story
Jessie just reported in with her weekly weight loss update. She's down "21 fucking pounds" as she's calling it and is one quarter of the way towards her goal of a 100 pound weight loss. She's done this over her first 5 week period since taking action on her health and believe me, she's one pretty excited chick!

She explains what she's doing, how she's eating, how she's gotten over the fear of going to the gym and explains what her workouts look like.

oh, and she's got a challenge for you too, she's giving away two weeks of gym time at her gym to workout with her, for those guys and gals living in the Edmonton area. She's offering this for free to a very special person who wants to take action, and take action now.

Jessie's a 27 year old mother of 4, so if she can do this, you can do this too.



[Source: Former Fat Guy - Weight Loss Blog]

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weight Loss Center---Non-Profit

I've been in lots of different weight loss programs during my life. I was going through a drawer and came across a calendar from TOPS. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) I remembered it was very inexpensive to join and attend these meetings.

I checked out the Tops Weight Loss site and see it still only costs $24.00 to join for an entire year. They have an online plan as well, it's cost is $25.50 for the year.

Finding this booklet sure has brought back memories for me. My office cleaning lady ask me if I'd be interested in joining the group with her. We not only lost weight but made so good friends as well.

People were so friendly and the motivation was so amazing. When someone didn't come for a few weeks, we'd send a postcard and let them know we missed them. It was a real caring group.

I had to sit and think why I quit going. I remembered, I took on a second job and had to work when the group met. Eventually, I got a promotion and moved away from the area. By then, I had lost weight and was down to a healthy weight.

This site is packed with tons of information. They even have a 28 day menu available for a 1500 calorie diet.

Perhaps there is a Tops weight loss center in your area. It would be worth checking out. They have a locator button on their website so you can see if there is a group near you.

If nothing else.....check out the monthly diet chart. So many ideas for meals. Losing weight at a minimal cost....what more can a person ask for!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Monday, September 3, 2007

5 Weeks And 21 Pounds Lighter - Jessies Weight Loss Story

jessies weight loss story
Jessie just reported in with her weekly weight loss update. She's down "21 fucking pounds" as she's calling it and is one quarter of the way towards her goal of a 100 pound weight loss. She's done this over her first 5 week period since taking action on her health and believe me, she's one pretty excited chick!

She explains what she's doing, how she's eating, how she's gotten over the fear of going to the gym and explains what her workouts look like.

oh, and she's got a challenge for you too, she's giving away two weeks of gym time at her gym to workout with her, for those guys and gals living in the Edmonton area. She's offering this for free to a very special person who wants to take action, and take action now.

Jessie's a 27 year old mother of 4, so if she can do this, you can do this too.



[Source: Former Fat Guy - Weight Loss Blog]

Weight Loss Center---Non-Profit

I've been in lots of different weight loss programs during my life. I was going through a drawer and came across a calendar from TOPS. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) I remembered it was very inexpensive to join and attend these meetings.

I checked out the Tops Weight Loss site and see it still only costs $24.00 to join for an entire year. They have an online plan as wellm it's cost is $25.50 for the year.

Finding this booklet sure has brought back memories for me. My office cleaning lady as if I'd be interested in join the group with her. We not only lost weight but made so good friends as well.

People were so friendly and the motivation was so amazing. When someone didn't come for a few weeks, we'd send a postcard and let them know we missed them. It was a real caring group.

I had to sit and think why I quit going. I remembered, I took on a second job and had to work when the group met. Eventually, I got a promotion a moved away from the area. By then, I had lost weight and was down to a healthy weight.

This site is packed with tons of information. They even have a 28 day menu available for a 1500 calorie diet.

Perhaps there is a Tops weight loss center in your area. It would be worth checking out. They have a locator button on their website so you can see if there is a group near you.

If nothing else.....check out the monthly diet chart. So many ideas for meals. Losing weight at a minimal cost....what more can a person ask for!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Eating Healthy ...It All Looks So Good

All the fruits and vegetables look so appetizing in this picture. Every week when I buy groceries, I always load up on all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. They look so good in the produce department. My problem is, I tend to leave them in the crisper drawers or they get pushed to the back of the refrigerator. They don't see the light of day again until I clean out the refrigerator and toss the spoiled stuff out.

I've cut down on my candy and chip intake but still have a hard time increasing fresh vegetables and fruit. I'm losing weight slowly but I know if I would eat the fresh produce, I'd be a lot healthier.

The last time I tried to give blood, I was rejected. They told me I had low iron and that I was anemic. That sure suprised me. I was embarrassed when I left, wondering what the other people thought that were waiting to give blood. I'm sure they never for a minute thought a person my size would be rejected for being anemic.

I bought some women's One-a-day vitamins that day. I haven't tried to give blood since my last rejection. I'll try again in a couple of months.

I've hung an article on my refrigerator called: Fruits and Vegetables: Eating Your Way to 5 A Day to remind me to grab a bunch of grapes or a plum and forget eating leftovers when I want a snack.

Forty-two percent of the the American population eats less than two servings a day of fruit and vegetables. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is five to nine servings in a day. We have a LONG way to go!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]