Friday, September 14, 2007

Walked over 12,000 Steps

It was another hot and humid day yesterday. We left about 7 am to get an early start cutting our lawns. I remembered my pedometer and plenty of water and diet Lipton green tea. I always use the push mower and my husband uses the riding mower. That thing scares me so I'd rather use the push one.

I checked my pedometer and I had walked a whopping 12,000 steps. Wooohooo!! My right knee and leg were hurting by the time we got finished but they were feeling better by late evening.

I've lost another 2 pounds since my last weigh in. Losing weight this time is so much easier since I've made up my own plan of action. Secondly, and just as important in my weight loss program, document, document, document. I can't stress that enough. Seeing what you eat and drink in black and white really makes you more accountable. I always write down what time I ate as well. It helps me as well so see my eating patterns and what I need to concentrate on in changing to succeed at this weight loss.

We all know what are healthy choices we need to make in our lives to lose weight. All your plans and books out there tell you exercise along with proper food choices will be a win-win weight loss program.

Which ever weight loss program you do.....don't give up. There are still 183 days left this year to make a difference. Always remember to drink plenty of water!!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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