Friday, September 14, 2007

Big Snake = Great Workout

The other day when my mom and I were going to town, I notice a big snake laying near a tree by the flower garden. I said to mom, "I'm going to kill Alex for putting that fake snake there. He knows how much I hate them." When my husband got home, I told him to pick up that dumb snake and throw it away. He picked up a stick near the tree and told me I must be seeing things. Then I knew...OMG....I had seen a REAL snake. I was panic stricken at just the thought of seeing that thing again.

Mom and I then went to sit in the gazebo. Still upset about the snake, I told my husband, I bet that thing is in that grill cover you left on the ground. He went over to pick it up ....sure enough...I saw the tail. I let out the biggest scream and ran into the house with mom right behind me.

Of course, the snake got away from him and slithered into the flower garden next to the house. Alex was using the rake trying to find him to no avail. Then, low and behold, I saw the thing trying to climb through the metal vent to get under the house. At the top of my voice I shouted, "There he is...there he is...get him Alex...get him." My husband was able to catch him. Whew...what a relief. He said it was a rat snake and took it way down by the pond to let it go.

When my husband got back, I had him take the weed eater and cut down every vine and flower in that flower bed next to the house. I then took the rake, hoe, and shovel and dug everything out of there. I now have a large area of just dirt. (NO snake is going to hid out there again.) I wasn't smart enough to wear gloves. Needless to say, I'm sporting blisters on my left hand. (wondering why it's just my one hand)

That snake lead to a great workout I had not planned. I can feel it in my shoulders and upper arms. Working in the flower bed is a lot more fun than lifting weights. Now I'm going to have to figure out what to put in that flower bed.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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