Friday, September 14, 2007

Weight Loss Failures.....Who's to Blame?

As I stated in my last post, I sited poor food choices and bad habits as the culprits for people having trouble losing weight. I realized there are more elements that contribute to weight loss problems for dieters.

There are so many weight loss plans, pills, equipment, and books written about weight loss. How many of them make claims that are untrue. Let me be a little more blunt about it. How many of them are scams and make fraudulent promises? There are too many!!! There doesn't seem to be a lot of repercussions for any of these miracle diet plans or pills when they are exposed as scams.

A few have helped weight loss but at what cost? Drugs such as fen phen as well as ephedra, and redux have caused death.
According to the RAND report, the number of deaths, myocardial infarctions, cerebrovascular accidents, seizures, and serious psychiatric illnesses in young adults is sufficient to warrant further evaluation of the safety of these products in a controlled manner (such as a hypothesis-testing case-control study) to test the possibility that consumption of ephedra or ephedrine causes these serious adverse events.

In 1997, fen phen and redux were taken off the market. There were many class action lawsuits filled against these manufacturers. These drugs caused a wide variety of health problems, ranging from vascular problems in women to heart problems.

As I stated before, weight loss is all about calories in/ calories out. If we lower our calorie intake and increase our exercise, the weight will come off. It's important to remember, losing weight slow gives a person a better chance of KEEPING it off. Read your labels, trade in that piece of cake for some fruit. Take the steps instead of the elevator. Trade in a half hour soap opera for a walk in the park.

Bottom line is this: No one knows your body better than you do. A low-calorie cookbook is going to do you far more good than many of the scams and fads available in the weight loss industry. Weight loss is a slow process.....just DON"T give up!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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