Friday, September 14, 2007

75% of the Nurse Staff Needs to Lose Weight

Recently I had to take my mom to the emergency room. As I sat outside her room near the nurses station I observed the staff. There were four nurses on duty. I watched them scoot back and forth across the floor in their chairs from one spot to another. I just shook my head. Two of them were eating chips and a third had a candy bar.
My point is, three of the four nurses were extremely overweight. They had me beat...and believe me...I still have to lose a lot of weight to be in the healthy range.

I thought to myself, what kind of example are they setting for patients? Most people look up to the medical profession. To me, they should know all the potential health problems obesity causes. I would think they'd address the weight loss issue way before they got that big. Perhaps they reinforce each others bad habits while at work. Even the girl at the intake desk had an open bag of doritos sitting on her desk when we filled out mom's paperwork.(She was overweight but not as extreme as the nurses)

As I sat there I thought, if they don't care anymore about themselves than that, how can they give good care to the patients? I watched two of them walk up to the intake area...they waddled. It was obvious, it was a real effort for them to walk.

I left there with a mom was ok and they made me fell thin for a short time.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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