Friday, September 14, 2007

LA Weight Loss....7 Office closed Abruptly.....Why?

It appears all the LA Weight loss offices in Las Vegas have closed down without any warning. There is just a note in the door saying "Due to circumstances beyond our control, we can no longer conduct business."

I was reading an investigative article in the Las Vegas newspaper concerning this weight loss company. There have been a few states that have sued companies for misrepresentation on the fees they charge. (Geesh...there is a lot of money being made in this industry)

Perhaps the LA Weight Loss program has worked for some. I'm sure these people are mad to see it closed down and feel the allegations made are untrue. I think about the ones that have been scammed by various weight loss companies and complained to the right people to get something done.
I also think about the people that have forked out money and abruptly find the place closed. Perhaps it's best to think they have saved money in the long run.

It is going to be interesting to see how this weight loss story unfolds.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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