Friday, November 30, 2007

Reading Another's Thoughts On Weight Loss Leads to More Questions

I bought a used book, Eating Disorders,(a new approach to treating anorexia, bulimia,and overeating) by Gregory Jantz, PH.D.. Each chapter has a section where you have questions and various writing exercises in which you are to express how you feel about such things as people, food, and feelings.

As I got into the question section of chapter one, I saw someone had already written in the book. Reading the responses, it was obvious this person was attempting to lose weight.

I could sense the despair, loneliness and isolation of this person in their writing. She/he wrote about their fear of certain foods and their obsession with others. This person constantly thought about weight loss but felt helpless.

I flipped through the rest of the book to see if their outlook had changed. Hoping to see a glimmer of self-worth expressed. This person never went past chapter 2.

I could see this person had more issues to deal with than just weight loss. Wishing I could give them a hug and tell her/him they are not alone.

I sit here wondering....where is this person today? How do they feel about themselves? Are they working on their issues? Are they experiencing success on their weight loss journey?

I'll say a prayer for them and have comfort knowing they are in God's Hands.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Make Your Own Animated Weigh Loss Movie

I found a cute site in which you can select animated characters and various backgrounds to make a movie. You can create their dialogue. It is even possible to forward it to friends. It's fun and easy. Click here to go to the site.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Make Your Own Animated Weigh Loss Movie

I found a cute site in which you can select animated characters and various backgrounds to make a movie. You can create their dialogue. It is even possible to forward it to friends. It's fun and easy. Click here to go to the site.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Healthy Bean Soup...My Sister's Story

I got an email from my sister. She said she had been thinking of dad and his bean soup. She wanted me to get the recipe from mom and send it to her.

After talking to mom, I called sis yesterday with dad's famous bean soup recipe (as mom remembered it). Dad never used an actual recipe..........he would use a pinch of this and a dab of that. DAD'S BEAN SOUP RECIPE:

* 1 bag of great northern beans
* diced onions
* salt and pepper to taste
* ketchup (add until you get the color you want)
* ham bone
* pinch of rosemary (crushed)
* 2-3 quarts of water

Cook all this together bringing it to a boil and then turning it down to simmer. Take the ham bone out and shred the meat off the bone when it is starting to fall of the bone. Put the ham back in the soup. When the soup is about done, use a potato masher and mash about half of the beans in the pan. That's all there is to it.

I got an email from her last night. She didn't think one bag of beans looked like enough so she cooked two. Rut Roh!!! Needless to say, the beans grew in the pan. She had to throw half of them away so she could get her ham bone in the pan.

She said her soup was smelling pretty good. I'm waiting for the follow-up email to see how it tasted.

If you're dieting and looking for fiber food, bean soup is a good source. I estimate the calories to be about 250 per bowl. There is nothing like a bowl of home made bean soup on a cold fall night. It tastes good and it's good for you.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yard Work = Weight Loss + Bad Case of Poison Ivy/Oak

When I was in high school, I took Biology class. On our field trips, our teacher would point out the various poisonous plants. I don't know why I thought after 40 years, I knew what poison ivy and poison oak looked like. It's funny how are our thoughts can get skewed over the years. I found a great site that shows what poison ivy looks like in all 4 seasons.

I haven't posted to my blog lately because I have a bad case of poison ivy/oak. My face is covered and my right eye is so swollen. I have it all over my chest, arms and hands. It's hard to type because I just want to scratch everywhere. It's so itchy.

What is the best medicine for poison ivy/oak? How do I get rid of poison ivy.oak? What is the best treatment for poison ivy/oak? These are the things I thought about when I started breaking out.

I had gone to the doctor a couple of years ago and he gave me a prescription for predisone. I took it for a week and still was so bad I had to get another prescription. I decided I'd doctor myself for a week and see if it gets any better.

I've been enjoying working in the wooded area behind our back yard. It's such a great way to build muscles and lose weight while enjoying nature. I leery about going back in there.

I'm trying all kinds of things to help relieve the itching as well as trying to get the blisters to dry up. The various products I've been trying the past few days is Caladryl, Calamine Lotion, Anti-itch cream and antihistamine pills. I'm going to add vitamin C. I found a site in which people posted what has helped them get rid of poison ivy. Many people swear by vitamin C.

I'm off to apply some more anti-itch cream. (This is worse than my experiences with the fire ants.)


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Two Teams in a Weight Loss Competition

A blogger friend, Iportion, hooked me up with the website Shed the weight by 08. It's a cute site in which two teams are competing to lose weight. It's is humorous. You will get a good laugh when you read it as well as watching the videos.

This site reminds me of when I was young and my friends and I use to pull pranks on each other.

Check out Iportion's website as well. She has wrote about some worthwhile organizations in which we can all help.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Shopping While Wearing My Pedometer

Today I've got to take my mom to see the doctor. There are stores in that town we don't have here, so I always want to go shopping. With the price of gas going so high, I have been trying to be more organized with my trips to town.

I've already made out my list of stores and the things I need at each one. Of course, Lowe's is on the list. I love shopping there as much as my husband. That is a great store to do a lot of walking. In fact, it's a great place to push a cart around. The aisles are wide so it's easy to walk faster in that store. For the person that has trouble with their legs or's the perfect place to walk.

I've already put my Omron Pedometer in my pocket. I've got 7 stores to on my list for today. Hopefully I'll hit my 10,000 steps. This is the ideal number to hit everyday. I just don't do it enough.

I always feel better when I've gotten in a brisk walk. I get more done in the house as well. My energy level goes up and my mood is always better too. My problem is breaking old habits and starting new ones.

It's time to go. I'll stop back and post how many steps I walked on my trip this morning.


We left around 9:15 am and got home at 4:00 pm. Mom's doctor appointment had good results. I got all the shopping done I had planned. I stopped to check my pedometer about noon. To my dismay, the battery had gone dead and the screen was blank. The battery is almost two years old so I guess it's time for a new one.

It's time to sit and relax!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

LA Weight Loss Centers Closing in WV and KY

One of my readers wrote to tell me she had been displaced from her job at a LA Weight Loss located in Kentucky and West Virginia this week. She states everyone was laid off except one counselor in some offices. Others were closed entirely. They were not given any warning this was happening.

They were told this was going to be until the first of the year. Does anyone out there know if they will still have jobs or should everyone be job hunting?

I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this matter.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Monday, November 19, 2007

Walking off the Pounds, Find Your Own Pace

After you have finished a few minutes of warmup strolling, gradually increase to a brisk pace (as if you were late for work). A "brisk" walk is different for everyone. I depends on your particular physical condition. Don't over do it if you've been inactive for a long time.

You will know if you are at "your own pace" if you are capable of talking while you walk. If you don't have enough breath to talk, you are overdoing it. If you are walking by yourself, I'm sure you don't want people to think you are a nut case talking to yourself as you're walking. Check your breathing every so often by humming or counting softly to yourself.

The sound of your breathing is another gauge of workout intensity. It's normal to breathe harder than usual during your walk, but you shouldn't be wheezing or gasping.

Walking can be fun. Find your pace that is comfortable for you. Find the amount of time you can walk comfortably. You will see them both increase as you continue to walk. Stick with it and you will see the pounds melt off.

I suggest using a Pedometer. It will count the steps you take. It's always nice to see in black and white exactly how much you've accomplished. It's good to keep track in a journal so you can see how you progress.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Easy Low Calorie Holiday Pumpkin Dessert

When the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays roll around, pumpkin desserts are always a favorite in our household. I wanted to share this easy recipe. It is only 85 calories (2 points)and it makes 10 servings.


1. 8 oz fat free cream cheese (softened)
2. 8 oz fat free cool whip
3. 8 oz fat free sour cream
4. 3/4 C. Splenda
5. 1 tsp. lemon juice

6. 1 can pumpkin puree
7. sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice (flavor to your liking)

8. 2 pkgs of the 100 calorie Honey Maid Thin Crisps (crushed finely)

* Mix ingredients 1-5.
* Next add 6 & 7.
* Pour into approx. 10 dessert cups (ex: muffin tins)
* Top with final ingredient #8.
* Chill in the refrigerator until firm (couple of hours)

Easy and delicious and low calories...can't ask for anything better.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Woods is Helping Me Lose Weight

Sunday's Workout:

Yesterday was another beautiful day. The air was crisp and cool. It was a perfect day to thin out the trees in the back woods of our property. I took my clippers and started tackling a part of the woods no one has ever cleared.

I cut down lots of smaller trees, sapplings and brambles. They are so thick, they keep the bigger trees from getting bigger. Once I had them cut down, I chopped them into smaller pieces so I can haul them to the burn barrel.

I got so caught up in my cutting, I didn't watch the time. I should have quit while I was feeling good. Oh no, I had to wait until my leg, left shoulder and back started hurting.

I limped into the house and looked at the clock. I was surprised to see I had been cutting down trees for 3 hours. No wonder I was hurting.

I took a hot shower but was still in a lot of pain. I had one demerol pain pill left, and took it without hesitation. (I had been saving it for a time I was
really hurting.) I fell asleep about 45 minutes later.

This woods is helping my lose weight and build muscles. I just hope it doesn't kill me before:
1. I reach my weight loss goal.
2. I have the woods cleared of all the small trees and brambles.

I'm still sore today so I'm going taking a break from the yardwork.

I'm off to make some homemade tenderlions and also a big pan of swiss steak.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Burning Calories Working Outdoors

Friday Workout:

I took a break Thursday from working in the yard. I was back at on Friday. Late spring, we had a very hard frost and it killed some of our trees. We've had some pretty good winds last week and it several large dead limbs fell along the back part of the yard.

I took my trusty clippers and cut them up. I cut them so I could get them in the burn barrel without having to worry about starting the woods on fire. I cut and hauled, cut and hauled. I had to use a pruning saw on some of the branches that were too big for my clippers.

While I was burning the branches, I started raking up the leaves in the area the branches had fallen. I also raked a couple of the flower beds near the area. These dried leaves were great fuel to the fire.

After I got that area raked up, I took a shovel and went to the front of the house to pick up the dried weeds and plants I had gotten out of the flower bed on Wednesday. Although I put stuff on those fire ants, I was afraid there might be more in those piles of stuff. I chose to use the shovel and not get my hands or feet anywhere near the debris. I threw that stuff in the fire as well.

I worked out in the yard for about an hour and a half. I felt great when I finished. Looking at what I had accomplished made me feel pretty good as well.

I stayed and watched the burn barrel until it was at the smoldering stage. It was then time to hit the shower. My hair and clothes smelled like smoke.

I'm not sure how many calories I burned. I know I did some muscle building. I prefer yard work to a treadmill any day.

How I love this time of the year!!!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Cutting This Workout Short

Wednesday Workout:

Today I decided to dig out the flower beds located between the sidewalk and the house. There was so much grass mixed with the flowers, it was a mess. I took my trusty hoe and went to work.

The iris flowers had gotten too thick so I started thinning them out. It was like swinging an ax to get those things out of the ground. The bulbs really were embedded.

I held the hoe differently than I did the trimmers so it didn't bother the blisters I already had. I could tell I was using other muscles I hadn't used the previous two days. The weather was cool and it felt good working up a sweat.

I started tackling the tall grass. That stuff was really tough to dig out. I couldn't believe what an extensive root system it has. Everything was going great until I felt a pinch and looked down at my feet. YIKES!! FIRE ANTS!!

I hurried and got away from that area. That brought this workout to an end. It was too late though. They had already bitten me on both feet in several places. I itch so bad from these bites. They get fire red and swell up so bad.

I see today I have 6 bites on my left foot and 2 bites on my right foot. I didn't sleep very last night. I don't know why, but it seems after the lights go out, they itch even more. I spent have the night scratching my feet.

I'm so mad at myself. This is my third experience with fire ants. I told my mom I was not going to go outside anymore without socks and shoes on after my second experience. I didn't follow my own advice this time and only had on my clogs. Hopefully, the third time is the charm.

(I said to myself, "Will I ever learn?"

Off to the medicine cabinet to find some more itch medicine.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Monday, November 12, 2007

Cutting This Workout Short

Wednesday Workout:

Today I decided to dig out the flower beds located between the sidewalk and the house. There was so much grass mixed with the flowers, it was a mess. I took my trusty hoe and went to work.

The iris flowers had gotten to thick so I started thinning them out. It was like swinging an ax to get those things out of the ground. The bulbs really were embedded.

I held the hoe differently than I did the trimmers so it didn't bother the blisters I already had. I could tell I was using other muscles I hadn't used the previous two days. The weather was cool and it felt good working up a sweat.

I started tackling the tall grass. That stuff was really tough to dig out. I couldn't believe what an extensive root system it has. Everything was going great until I felt a pinch and looked down at my feet. YIKES!! FIRE ANTS!!

I hurried and got away from that area. That brought this workout to an end. It was too late though. They had already bitten me on both feet in several places. I itch so bad from these bites. They get fire red and swell up so bad.

I see today I have 6 bites on my left foot and 2 bites on my right foot. I didn't sleep very last night. I don't know why, but it seems after the lights go out, they itch even more. I spent have the night scratching my feet.

I'm so mad at myself. This is my third experience with fire ants. I told my mom I was not going to go outside anymore without socks and shoes on after my second experience. I didn't follow my own advice this time and only had on my clogs. Hopefully, the third time is the charm.

(I said to myself, "Will I ever learn?"

Off to the medicine cabinet to find some more itch medicine.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Fixing Car = Puppy Rescue

Yesterday I had to take my car to the shop to get two windows fixed. (I love my power windows until they quit working.) When I got there, a cute little beagle puppy came out of the bushes to great me. He was wagging his tail like we were long lost buddies.

The shop owner explained someone had dumped the puppy off a few days earlier and it had taken up residence in the hedges in front of the shop. The building has a big overhang so it offered cover for the dog. He said every morning they got the dog a sausage biscuit from McDonald's. The owner told us the guy that brings them car parts was suppose to pick the dog up on Friday. I was glad to hear it was getting a good home.

At 4:45, the shop called to tell me my car was done. We had to hurry to pick it up before they closed at 5:00pm. Of course, the little puppy came out of the bushes to greet me. Those big brown eyes just melted my heart. I told the office girl I was going to come back with some food and water for the dog.

At 5:30, my husband and I went back with goodies for the dog and a rug for him to sleep on. He started eating that food so fast. I was afraid he would get a tummy ache. I felt better when I left knowing he had food, water, and a rug to sleep on.

Low and behold, last night severe storm warnings as well as a tornado warning was in effect for our area. I was so worried about the puppy. At 10:00 pm last night, my husband and I jumped in the car to go rescue the little guy. Again, he was so happy to see us. He loved riding in the car.

As soon as we got home, my husband put him in the tub and gave him a bath. He stood there so quietly. He seemed to enjoy getting clean. about smelling better.

We own two dogs. Meadow, the 3 year old german shephard/collie mix....didn't care for the puppy. Sara, the 9 month old, she loved the puppy. The two of the played and played and played. I had an extra doggie bed and set it up in the kitchen for the puppy. Finally about midnight I got all the dogs settled down. The puppy slept like a baby.

This morning the sky is blue and the sun is shining. My husband took the dog back to the shop before it opened. I'm going to check later this afternoon to see if that guy picked up the puppy. I want to make sure it has a home.

I knew there was some reason I picked that shop out of all that are in the area. It was to help that little puppy I named Kelly after my grandpa. I may never see him but I'll always remember those cute eyes and that wagging tail.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Friday, November 9, 2007

Clearing the Woods = Weight Loss + Muscle Building

Tuesdays Workout:

We have woods one the front and back of our property. The previous owner had made a nice clearing in the back. We enjoy sitting out back and watching the squirrels, birds, racoons, and deer.

The cleared area is starting to fill back in since he didn't actually kill the trees he had cut down. I figured it was better if I cut all the sapplings down before they became trees. I didn't realize what a big job it was going to be.

I grabbed my trusty tree/scrub cutters and off I went into the woods. It seems like every tree he cut down, 4/5 more grew up from the root system. I became one cutting machine. I was out there for hours cutting.

I had to quit when the blisters I developed starting really hurting. By this time, my shoulders were feeling the strain from those cutters. Although I'm not done clearing, the area looks better.

I plan to do some more cutting as soon as the blisters heal up. (I wish I could work with gloves on. I hate the feeling of them on my hands.)

Now I have sore legs, arms and shoulders. It's a good kind of sore though. Losing weight while building muscles = a nice looking yard. Definitely a win-win situation.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Cutting This Workout Short

Wednesday Workout:

Today I decided to dig out the flower beds located between the sidewalk and the house. There was so much grass mixed with the flowers, it was a mess. I took my trusty hoe and went to work.

The iris flowers had gotten to thick so I started thinning them out. It was like swinging an ax to get those things out of the ground. The bulbs really were embedded.

I held the hoe differently than I did the trimmers so it didn't bother the blisters I already had. I could tell I was using other muscles I hadn't used the previous two days. The weather was cool and it felt good working up a sweat.

I started tackling the tall grass. That stuff was really tough to dig out. I couldn't believe what an extensive root system it has. Everything was going great until I felt a pinch and looked down at my feet. YIKES!! FIRE ANTS!!

I hurried and got away from that area. That brought this workout to an end. It was too late though. They had already bitten me on both feet in several places. I itch so bad from these bites. They get fire red and swell up so bad.

I see today I have 6 bites on my left foot and 2 bites on my right foot. I didn't sleep very last night. I don't know why, but it seems after the lights go out, they itch even more. I spent have the night scratching my feet.

I'm so mad at myself. This is my third experience with fire ants. I told my mom I was not going to go outside anymore without socks and shoes on after my second experience. I didn't follow my own advice this time and only had on my clogs. Hopefully, the third time is the charm.

(I said to myself, "Will I ever learn?"

Off tothe medicine cabinet to find some more itch medicine.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Toning Muscles Doing Yard Work

Monday's Workout:
My husband is still layed up with his back so I had to cut our grass. I'm scared of the riding lawnmower so I cut our lawn with a little 20 inch lawnmower. I've owned this lawnmower since 1992. I call it my baby. I can't believe it's still working after all this time.

We have a big yard....about 2 acres. Needless to say, it took me a long time to cut with my trusty little pushmower. I forgot to put my pedometer in my pocket to see exactly how far I walked. I finished up just as it was starting to get dark. I was worn out but the sense of accomplishment felt even better.

I know muscles weighs more than fat. If I don't lose this week...I'm going to attribute it to all the yardwork. Having sore arms and legs has to mean something other than I'm not in shape.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

If Only Pounds Could Come Off as Fast as Days Fly By

The time has gone by so fast since my last post. My girlfriend's visit has come and gone. I hadn't seen her in over 3 years. I recognized her right away walking down that ramp at the airport. (some people never seem to change) There isn't much to see where I live. I gave her the grand tour of the town. We went and saw the former office of Sheriff Buford Pusser and lots of his memoriabilia. (the movie Walking Tall was based on his life) She leads a pretty hectic life back home and really enjoyed sitting in our gazebo and watching the wildlife in the woods behind the house.

All this extra running around I've been doing, I figured I had really lost some weight. No such luck. I got on the scale.....I only dropped one pound. It sure gets discouraging losing it this slowly.

This week will be better. Things I'll improve:

1. Increase water intake
2. Increase time/days exercising
3. Do a better job of documenting what I eat and drink
4. Decrease the amount of diet coke I'm drinking.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]