Friday, November 9, 2007

Clearing the Woods = Weight Loss + Muscle Building

Tuesdays Workout:

We have woods one the front and back of our property. The previous owner had made a nice clearing in the back. We enjoy sitting out back and watching the squirrels, birds, racoons, and deer.

The cleared area is starting to fill back in since he didn't actually kill the trees he had cut down. I figured it was better if I cut all the sapplings down before they became trees. I didn't realize what a big job it was going to be.

I grabbed my trusty tree/scrub cutters and off I went into the woods. It seems like every tree he cut down, 4/5 more grew up from the root system. I became one cutting machine. I was out there for hours cutting.

I had to quit when the blisters I developed starting really hurting. By this time, my shoulders were feeling the strain from those cutters. Although I'm not done clearing, the area looks better.

I plan to do some more cutting as soon as the blisters heal up. (I wish I could work with gloves on. I hate the feeling of them on my hands.)

Now I have sore legs, arms and shoulders. It's a good kind of sore though. Losing weight while building muscles = a nice looking yard. Definitely a win-win situation.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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