Wednesday Workout:
Today I decided to dig out the flower beds located between the sidewalk and the house. There was so much grass mixed with the flowers, it was a mess. I took my trusty hoe and went to work.
The iris flowers had gotten to thick so I started thinning them out. It was like swinging an ax to get those things out of the ground. The bulbs really were embedded.
I held the hoe differently than I did the trimmers so it didn't bother the blisters I already had. I could tell I was using other muscles I hadn't used the previous two days. The weather was cool and it felt good working up a sweat.
I started tackling the tall grass. That stuff was really tough to dig out. I couldn't believe what an extensive root system it has. Everything was going great until I felt a pinch and looked down at my feet. YIKES!! FIRE ANTS!!
I hurried and got away from that area. That brought this workout to an end. It was too late though. They had already bitten me on both feet in several places. I itch so bad from these bites. They get fire red and swell up so bad.
I see today I have 6 bites on my left foot and 2 bites on my right foot. I didn't sleep very last night. I don't know why, but it seems after the lights go out, they itch even more. I spent have the night scratching my feet.
I'm so mad at myself. This is my third experience with fire ants. I told my mom I was not going to go outside anymore without socks and shoes on after my second experience. I didn't follow my own advice this time and only had on my clogs. Hopefully, the third time is the charm.
(I said to myself, "Will I ever learn?"
Off to the medicine cabinet to find some more itch medicine.
[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]
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