Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Woods is Helping Me Lose Weight

Sunday's Workout:

Yesterday was another beautiful day. The air was crisp and cool. It was a perfect day to thin out the trees in the back woods of our property. I took my clippers and started tackling a part of the woods no one has ever cleared.

I cut down lots of smaller trees, sapplings and brambles. They are so thick, they keep the bigger trees from getting bigger. Once I had them cut down, I chopped them into smaller pieces so I can haul them to the burn barrel.

I got so caught up in my cutting, I didn't watch the time. I should have quit while I was feeling good. Oh no, I had to wait until my leg, left shoulder and back started hurting.

I limped into the house and looked at the clock. I was surprised to see I had been cutting down trees for 3 hours. No wonder I was hurting.

I took a hot shower but was still in a lot of pain. I had one demerol pain pill left, and took it without hesitation. (I had been saving it for a time I was
really hurting.) I fell asleep about 45 minutes later.

This woods is helping my lose weight and build muscles. I just hope it doesn't kill me before:
1. I reach my weight loss goal.
2. I have the woods cleared of all the small trees and brambles.

I'm still sore today so I'm going taking a break from the yardwork.

I'm off to make some homemade tenderlions and also a big pan of swiss steak.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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