Friday, August 31, 2007

Weight Loss Tip 57: Taming Your Tummy

How to tame the wild beast that sometimes is your stomach;Belching, gas, bloating, nausea.Yes, we have all been there.Here are three tips to help quiet the beast.#1 Eat your biggest meal earlier in the day. Make your lunch worth going out to and you’ll sleep easier on a less full stomach, when digestion is [...]


[Source: Weight Loss Message Blog]

To cook or not to cook? Have you asked this question?

Ok, It’s dinner time and the vegetable for the night is sitting on the cutting board. What should you do? Is it better to cook or not to cook your vegetables? What do you say?Many of us believe that eating fruits and vegetables in the raw, helps these foods to maintain [...]


[Source: Weight Loss Message Blog]

Remind Yourself To Appreciate Everything

by Jessie

I have fallen in love with the world all over again, probably because I have learned that each person is responsible for the creation of their own atmosphere.
I live in my own little world lately, but I am careful when deciding who I should allow to enter. I surround myself with the beauty of other humans who have hearts so big and minds so overwhelmingly creative. Sorry, Ive left the toxic behind, come find me when you find yourself.
Jessie - Appreciate everything

I am learning how to appreciate everythingthere once was a time when Pina-Colada slurpees and a freshly rolled cigarette made my entire day. Each vibe you give-out is just as important as the ones that are taken-in from others.
Have you ever noticed how a simple smile, a random compliment, or friendly hello from a complete stranger can take a day from being pretty shitty to one of the best days ever? Ive noticed because I have chosen to open my eyes.

I want to run-away as often as possible, I want to read every book that exists, I want to take a small piece of everyones heart, I want to hold on to every moment I spend loving another human, I want to continuously feel every emotion that exists, so that I dont accidentally forget just how wonderful it feels each time I get to experience happiness.
Take nothing for granted, and be grateful for the breath in your lungs

[Rob's Note:] That was a small taste of the post Jessie just entered called Unafraid. Jessie's writing and passion for taking action on her weight loss journey inspired me enough that I asked her to write full time for my blog so that she may inspire you and connect with you to do the same. Jessie's is a 27 year old mother of 4 and is on a mission to lose 100 pounds. She's a regular part of the forum as well as the Sunday morning fitness camp I'm putting on in the river valley here in Edmonton. You can read her posts and follow along with her by visiting her personal author page here: Jessie's Author page. I'll tell you right up front, she's a passionate women and speaks her truth. She's not only going to drop the 100 pounds, she's going to kick your ass into doing the same. Read her story and follow along by subscribing to the blog posts when you get there.

Take a moment now and have a read of her complete post on and create a stir.

In Jessie's own words:
Speak your mind and nevermind the nevermindsfrom time to time we just need to remind ourselves to just not give a fuck...


[Source: Former Fat Guy - Weight Loss Blog]

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Weight Loss Tip 55: Clean Up and Slim Down

Need a workout with real rewards? This is a twofer. That’s right, a two for one. Imagine your house even your yard with everything neat and tighty including your biceps. Making everyday chores into chances for activity can be duely rewarding. Vacuuming can become an upper body workout only [...]


[Source: Weight Loss Message Blog]

Vitamin C - May Not Be So Good For You

Vitamin C
Did you know vitamin C causes destruction of proteins in your body, which will accelerate the aging process?

Did you know that vitamin C will cause formation of the toxic chemical pentosadine, a marker for premature aging and the tissue destruction?

Did you know that vitamin C depletes your body of many minerals and trace mineral nutrients? In order to eliminate vitamin C from your body you need to chelate every excess molecule of vitamin C with calcium, magnesium, zinc, or other minerals and trace minerals - and thats the only the kidneys can dump vitamin C!

...I bet you didnt know that vitamin C will actually cause high cholesterol in certain cases?

...I bet you didnt know that vitamin C will convert the mineral iron to a form that damages the blood vessels?

and Some people will go into hypoglycemic crises from vitamin C, and in certain cases it can push a diabetic into ketoacidosis

Are you beginning to get a little nervous about vitamin C or about the propaganda of vitamin C? and become informed.

:Kristine The Inner Biochemist
I am so happy to announce that :Kristine :Earl, my is now under exclusive contract to write for my new . I have been under her care for over 2 years now, and it still stuns me what she's able to accomplish with her patients.

:Kristine is multi disciplined and approaches health and wellness from many aspects including Feng Shui.. yes, how you live, where you live and also including such things as which way your bed is facing affects your health!

Do You Wake Up More Tired Than When You Went To Sleep?

:Kristine gives an example that explains why you may wake up feeling more tired than when you went to sleep in an interview I did with her, and it's may be related to Feng Shui.

:Kristine is , will be writing exclusively for the Former Fat Guy Weight Loss Blog along with many other experts, and will passing along her knowledge so that you may finally get the results you're looking for.

PS: in the past, :Kristine has charged $150 an hour with a minimum 2 hours for in depth consulting and her rates are increasing to $250 an hour. How would feel if you were able to talk to her, ask her questions and get the answers personally without charge?

I've created a special area in my forum for the guest authors, so that you may interact with them, ask them questions and become part of the community of wellness.

Ask :Kristine your questions in

There has never been a better time to be a part of this community. Special offers are being made available to the readers of my monthly natural weight loss newsletter, so make sure you sign up, using the form on the side of this blog.


[Source: Former Fat Guy - Weight Loss Blog]

Weight Loss Tip 56: Schedule Fitness Times

Everything that is important in your life makes it on to your schedule. Work, vacations, school, special events like party’s, concerts, sports all get on to your calendar. They are valuable to you. You schedule them so that you won’t miss them and also so that you won’t doing something else and [...]


[Source: Weight Loss Message Blog]

Monday, August 27, 2007

75% of the Nurse Staff Needs to Lose Weight

Recently I had to take my mom to the emergency room. As I sat outside her room near the nurses station I observed the staff. There were four nurses on duty. I watched them scoot back and forth across the floor in their chairs from one spot to another. I just shook my head. Two of them were eating chips and a third had a candy bar.
My point is, three of the four nurses were extremely overweight. They had me beat...and believe me...I still have to lose a lot of weight to be in the healthy range.

I thought to myself, what kind of example are they setting for patients? Most people look up to the medical profession. To me, they should know all the potential health problems obesity causes. I would think they'd address the weight loss issue way before they got that big. Perhaps they reinforce each others bad habits while at work. Even the girl at the intake desk had an open bag of doritos sitting on her desk when we filled out mom's paperwork.(She was overweight but not as extreme as the nurses)

As I sat there I thought, if they don't care anymore about themselves than that, how can they give good care to the patients? I watched two of them walk up to the intake area...they waddled. It was obvious, it was a real effort for them to walk.

I left there with a mom was ok and they made me fell thin for a short time.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Saturday, August 25, 2007

You Can Be In a Weight Loss Study in Your Area

Have you ever wondered where Universities and Drug Companies find people to participate in their weight loss clinical trials? I've never known anyone who was involved in any type of study. I think it would be interesting to try one.

I'm wondering if being a part of a weight loss clinical study would be more likely to keep a person motivated to reach their goal and maintain their weight loss. I wonder what the success rate is for completion of various weight loss trials. The more I think, the more questions I raise.

I was researching clinical studies and came across the University of Kentucky's website. They have done/do all types of research. They recently completed a 44 week weight loss study where the average weight lost was 134 pounds. WOW!!!!!

The University of Kentucky is located in Lexington. They have various studies available in which you can participate if you meet the criteria. You can also put your name on a list for upcoming studies.

There is another site in which offers various clinical trials. They cover a multitude of conditions as well as weight loss. All you have to do is type in what type of research you are interested as well as which area and it will research clinical studies available in that field for that area. The site is called Clinical

I found another site, National Cancer Institute. At this site you can find a clinical trial in which to participate. You can also read the results of studies done on various types of cancer.

Last but not least is another site in which you can apply to be a participant in various clinical studies. This site is called Center Watch. This site covers a multitude of studies as well as their geographic region.

I'm debating on whether to become a participant in one of these studies. Sitting here thinking, perhaps if I find a study that involves weight loss as well as high blood pressure, I might just see if I meet the requirements of a study planned for an area I'm near.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss...Lose 100 Pounds With Behavioral Changes

To think a person could lose 100 pounds in just 44 weeks by changing their behavior is quite impressive. James Anderson, a doctor and professor at the University of Kentucky has just led a nine-year study of patients who have lost 100 or more pounds. This weight loss result was achieved by following an intensive behavioral program.

Dr James Anderson, who is a professor at the University of Kentucky (UK), has been involved in clinical research for more than 33 years. In the early 1980's, he pioneered the use of high fiber diets for treatment of diabetes and launched the "oatmeal craze." Therapeutic specialties include obesity, diabetes, lipid disorders, and nutrition. He is also the director of the Obesity Research Network, a nationwide network of physicians and scientists recognized for their work in the treatment of obesity and experience in clinical research trials.

There were 118 men and women involved in the weight loss study using behavioral changes. There were 63 men and 55 women involved in this 9-year study. The average starting weight of the participants was 353 pounds. The study showed the average weight loss was 134 pounds in just 44 weeks.

According to Anderson, "This study shows that one in four persons who participate in an intensive weight loss program for 12 weeks can go on to lose over 100 pounds. This program has much lower risks than surgery and can lead to similar long-term weight loss."

Study participants were enrolled in the Health Management Resources(HMR) Weight Management Program, an intensive behavioral program, which is a partnership between HMR and UK. The program is based on limited calorie intake -- 1,000 to 1,200 calories daily. They used specialty entrees and also meal replacements (ex: protein drink). They were also required to increase their physical activity. Most of the participants chose walking as their mode of exercise.

Their dramatic weight loss had many benefits. It lowered blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes, and sleep apnea. 66% of the group were able to discontinue their high blood pressure medicine as well as medication for high blood lipids. They were also able to discontinue medicine they were taking for diabetes or degenerative joint disease.

"Losing more than 100 pounds is a great achievement," Anderson said. "But the overall benefits in ability to enjoy life and be a full participant in activities with family and friends are more important to most people than are the reduced need to take medicine and worry about health issues."


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

L A Weight Loss....Divided by two Equal....New Name

A few years ago, L A Weight Loss was divide in half with one owner taking control of all corporate owned and operated centers which were called LA Weight Loss Centers, Inc. The other half became the franchisor of the franchised owned centers. It appears that during the past three years, the two separate companies have grown in different directions with obvious different program changes. For this reason, the corporate owned and operated centers have changed their name to Pure Weight Loss.

According to Pure Weight Loss, by changing their name, they now have complete control over their brand and reputation. They chose "Pure" because they felt it reprsents their focus and mission to offer healthy and effective weight loss programs to the public.

Pure Weight Loss is one of the largest weight loss companies. They claim to have over 400 centers through out the country. They claim to have helped over a million people lose and maintain their weight for the past 18 years. They accomplished this through customized meal plans, and a balanced food program, along with one-on-one weight loss counseling.

I went to
Pure Weight Loss
to see what the new site looked like. There is a place to put in your zip code. When I did that, it took me to a site called L A Weight Loss. I sure found that rather odd. It looks like perhaps they don't have all their ducks in a row yet. I'm sure it is quite an undertaking, changing names with all their stores. I'm wondering though, is it that hard to change the name on a website?

Like Shakespeare said, "What's in a name that ........" If it successfully helps a person lose weight......who really cares what it's called. It must be all about the think?


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss Tip 54: Be Competitive

Be competitive with yourself. Try keeping track of little things to help you set your goals. Then break everyone of your “Personal Bests”. You’ll feel great and your motivation will be in high gear!For example, Try using a pedometer to count the number of steps taken each day. About 2,000 steps [...]


[Source: Weight Loss Message Blog]

Friday, August 24, 2007

Guess what Mom?

You’re being watched! Mom did you know that your weight, body image, fitness level and nutritional habits are usually passed on to your daughters? It’s true! So, if you want to do what is best for your daughters, you’ve got to be good to yourself. Adopt healthy attitudes toward your own [...]


[Source: Weight Loss Message Blog]

Biggest Loser Casting Call

This just showed up on our sister site and we wanted to pass it along! It makes you dream big!Weight Loss Message Board and Support Community :: View topic - Biggest Loser Casting CallNBC’S THE BIGGEST LOSER IS BACK! WE ARE SEARCHING THE COUNTRY FOR INDIVIDUALS OR TEAMS OF 2 WHO WANT TO COMPETE [...]


[Source: Weight Loss Message Blog]

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What Should You Be Eating To Burn Fat

The answer:

"Its something you should eat every day, every meal."

Listen for the Key Moment:
"You should eat this within an hour of waking up in the morning..."
On behalf of my special guest, Tom Bilella, D.C., C.C.N., Director of the Nutrition Treatment Center, Red Bank, NJ,

[Rob's Note:] This is so important that you should not only be eating this within the first hour, but every 3 hours all day long. This builds on the audio clip from a few weeks ago where Tom Bilella discussed the , eating 3 meals by 3 pm. It's a good plan to follow. The tip that Tom and Shawn talk about here was a defining moment in my life.

It's simple. Follow this rule, burn more fat!


[Source: Former Fat Guy - Weight Loss Blog]

Weight Loss Failures.....Who's to Blame?

As I stated in my last post, I sited poor food choices and bad habits as the culprits for people having trouble losing weight. I realized there are more elements that contribute to weight loss problems for dieters.

There are so many weight loss plans, pills, equipment, and books written about weight loss. How many of them make claims that are untrue. Let me be a little more blunt about it. How many of them are scams and make fraudulent promises? There are too many!!! There doesn't seem to be a lot of repercussions for any of these miracle diet plans or pills when they are exposed as scams.

A few have helped weight loss but at what cost? Drugs such as fen phen as well as ephedra, and redux have caused death.
According to the RAND report, the number of deaths, myocardial infarctions, cerebrovascular accidents, seizures, and serious psychiatric illnesses in young adults is sufficient to warrant further evaluation of the safety of these products in a controlled manner (such as a hypothesis-testing case-control study) to test the possibility that consumption of ephedra or ephedrine causes these serious adverse events.

In 1997, fen phen and redux were taken off the market. There were many class action lawsuits filled against these manufacturers. These drugs caused a wide variety of health problems, ranging from vascular problems in women to heart problems.

As I stated before, weight loss is all about calories in/ calories out. If we lower our calorie intake and increase our exercise, the weight will come off. It's important to remember, losing weight slow gives a person a better chance of KEEPING it off. Read your labels, trade in that piece of cake for some fruit. Take the steps instead of the elevator. Trade in a half hour soap opera for a walk in the park.

Bottom line is this: No one knows your body better than you do. A low-calorie cookbook is going to do you far more good than many of the scams and fads available in the weight loss industry. Weight loss is a slow process.....just DON"T give up!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Friday, August 17, 2007

Bottled Water Is Tap Water

bottled water safety
Pepsi's Aquafina bottled water is actually tap water so if you're at all concerned about bottled water safety, read on. Pepsi is about to disclose the true source of their water supplier... the tap.

from Sun Sentinel July 2007

PepsiCo Inc. has agreed to add the words public water source to their Aquafina water labels.

Pepsis Aquafina, and Coca-Cola Co.s Dasani bottled waters, are both made of purified water from public reservoirs. Coca-Cola will post online consumer information about the quality control testing that goes into their bottled water, sometime near the end of summer, or early fall 2007.

Critics against the bottled water industry point out that they add plastic to landfills, use enormous amounts of energy and gas by producing and shipping bottles across the globe, and undermine public confidence in the safety of public water supplies.

Some cities have already taken proactive steps in trying to curb bottled water consumption. The mayor of San Francisco has banned city employees from using city funds to buy bottled water if tap water is available, and Ann Arbor, Michigan has passed a resolution banning commercially bottled water at city events.

Dr Mercola has some great comments about this and other bottled water safety. No need to rehash his thoughts on the subject. I should be clear thought that not all bottled water is tap water, however, the number's I'm reading shows that 40% is. It's not all bad, but enviornmentally unsound, yes. Tap Water photo from


[Source: Former Fat Guy - Weight Loss Blog]

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Lose Weight .....Why It's So Hard

We all know that losing or gaining weight has to do with calories in/calories out. It can't get much simpler than that. So what's our problem? Why is there so much money spent on the 100's of various weight loss pills and programs out there?

It's the POOR CHOICES we make in our daily lives that lead to packing on the extra pounds. We've incorporated quick and easy in our lives far too much. Have you noticed how many new restaurants are going up in your area? A good portion of fast food places have also spent big bucks on updating their establishments as well. I recently saw a Taco Bell that now has internet access.

Another point which makes it hard to lose weight, is our to inability to break bad habits. It sure is easier to grab a cheeseburger and fries at a fast food drive-thru than it is to try and eat a healthy salad or a plain baked potato. Of course, we have to wash our food down with a soda. Water isn't listed under drink options although you can get it if you ask.

It's all about time. We have convince ourselves we are too busy most of the timeto fix ourselves a healthy lunch before leaving for work in the morning. If we don't have time to fix a lunch, we also tell ourselves we don't have time to eat a healthy lunch. We seem to meet ourselves coming and going on this time line.

In actuality, we are killing ourselves. We are shortening our time line. Next time you go to order that cheeseburger and fries....think about your priorities. Don't you want to be around to see your kids and grandkids grow up?

My advice is QUIT procrastinating and make POSITIVE choices to start down your weight loss path. It's all about getting your priorities in order. And as I've stated before, DOCUMENT .... DOCUMENT .... DOCUMENT. Writing things down will show you in black and white what works for you.'s all about calories in and calories out. Proper food choices and
exercise are the keys to weight loss success.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Quick tip : Determining the cooking time of a fish

by Scott Bird

Cooked mackerel
As you may have noticed, I love seafood. If you're just venturing in to this world, however, you may be wondering just how long to cook your latest purchase. Fortunately it's not as difficult as you might think.

You can get a rough idea simply by looking at how thick the fish is (at the thickest point). For roasting or grilling, count on approximately 10 minutes per inch. Moderately hot oven, perhaps 375F (190C). Adjust this according to taste.

Another estimate which may be used is 15 minutes per pound. Once again, this is only a guideline - adjust according to taste.

To test whether this is done

Poke a toothpick into the thickest part of the fish. If the skin is no longer translucent and the flesh flakes easily, it's done. Also - if it's a whole fish - the eyes will have turned white.



[Source: Former Fat Guy - Weight Loss Blog]