Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Lose Weight .....Why It's So Hard

We all know that losing or gaining weight has to do with calories in/calories out. It can't get much simpler than that. So what's our problem? Why is there so much money spent on the 100's of various weight loss pills and programs out there?

It's the POOR CHOICES we make in our daily lives that lead to packing on the extra pounds. We've incorporated quick and easy in our lives far too much. Have you noticed how many new restaurants are going up in your area? A good portion of fast food places have also spent big bucks on updating their establishments as well. I recently saw a Taco Bell that now has internet access.

Another point which makes it hard to lose weight, is our to inability to break bad habits. It sure is easier to grab a cheeseburger and fries at a fast food drive-thru than it is to try and eat a healthy salad or a plain baked potato. Of course, we have to wash our food down with a soda. Water isn't listed under drink options although you can get it if you ask.

It's all about time. We have convince ourselves we are too busy most of the timeto fix ourselves a healthy lunch before leaving for work in the morning. If we don't have time to fix a lunch, we also tell ourselves we don't have time to eat a healthy lunch. We seem to meet ourselves coming and going on this time line.

In actuality, we are killing ourselves. We are shortening our time line. Next time you go to order that cheeseburger and fries....think about your priorities. Don't you want to be around to see your kids and grandkids grow up?

My advice is QUIT procrastinating and make POSITIVE choices to start down your weight loss path. It's all about getting your priorities in order. And as I've stated before, DOCUMENT .... DOCUMENT .... DOCUMENT. Writing things down will show you in black and white what works for you.'s all about calories in and calories out. Proper food choices and
exercise are the keys to weight loss success.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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