Friday, August 17, 2007

Bottled Water Is Tap Water

bottled water safety
Pepsi's Aquafina bottled water is actually tap water so if you're at all concerned about bottled water safety, read on. Pepsi is about to disclose the true source of their water supplier... the tap.

from Sun Sentinel July 2007

PepsiCo Inc. has agreed to add the words public water source to their Aquafina water labels.

Pepsis Aquafina, and Coca-Cola Co.s Dasani bottled waters, are both made of purified water from public reservoirs. Coca-Cola will post online consumer information about the quality control testing that goes into their bottled water, sometime near the end of summer, or early fall 2007.

Critics against the bottled water industry point out that they add plastic to landfills, use enormous amounts of energy and gas by producing and shipping bottles across the globe, and undermine public confidence in the safety of public water supplies.

Some cities have already taken proactive steps in trying to curb bottled water consumption. The mayor of San Francisco has banned city employees from using city funds to buy bottled water if tap water is available, and Ann Arbor, Michigan has passed a resolution banning commercially bottled water at city events.

Dr Mercola has some great comments about this and other bottled water safety. No need to rehash his thoughts on the subject. I should be clear thought that not all bottled water is tap water, however, the number's I'm reading shows that 40% is. It's not all bad, but enviornmentally unsound, yes. Tap Water photo from


[Source: Former Fat Guy - Weight Loss Blog]

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