Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Eight Week Weight Loss Hospital Sponsored Program

I couldn't wait to sign up for this weight loss program sponsored by the hospital. It only cost $10.00. Being on a team will give me some incentive to lose weight. I drove home and brought my husband back to sign up too. We're on the same team. We are called Mismatch Team 1. After completing our paperwork, we had our official weigh in. (have to remember what I was wearing so I can wear it for the final weigh-in) Ugh....their scales weigh me heavier than mine.

With is weight loss program, they are offering nutrition classes every Tuesday morning at the hospital. We also had the choice of attending 3 different weight loss facilities during this 8-week period. The choices available were Curves, Senior Center, or McNairy Athlectic Club. I signed my husband and me up for MAC. They have a men and women's side and are open 24 hours a day.

I went by MAC and got the needed information from the owner and purchased our key cards to get in the building. He is going to offer a special rate for seniors when this 8-week period is over. He told me when I come in, he will show me the various machines and set up a program for me. (People down here are so so friendly)

Time for me to head off to the gym.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

LA Weight Loss...Corporate Email Anyone?

I was going through my emails this morning and was surprised to see I had received an email from the LA Weight Loss Corporate Office in Pennsylvania. She stated she was the account supervisor for public relations.

She stated the LA Weight Loss Center in my area was not closing. She was referencing a LA Weight Loss article I wrote on March 26th. She also wanted the name of the person who sent me the information. (don't have..wouldn't give it if I did)

I replied and asked her if she could send me a list of the centers that are remaining open and which ones are closing so I could list them for the readers. I also asked if I could give her phone number out to concerned clients.

I'm waitig for a response. It would be nice if people could get the answers they need concerning the closing of various LA Weight Loss Centers. I'll pass on the information as soon as I get a reply.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

I've Lost 4 Pounds in 10 Days

I was so happy to see I've lost 4 pounds in 10 days. I've shown myself that when I make a commitment to myself, I can accomplish it. My husband and mom don't realize I'm trying to lose weight. I've decided not to tell them. I think it's kind of funny they haven't noticed any changes in my eating.

These are the changes I've made in the past ten days to lose 4 pounds.

1. I've quit eating nutty buddy ice cream cones (270 calories each)
I had been eating two of them a day. I now eat grapes when I want a
a snack.

2. I've quit eating white bread. I'm now eating whole wheat bread. I'm
eating less bread because started eating more oatmeal. Sometimes
I'll fix a bowl of oatmeal for a snack.

3. I've increased my exercise. Five out of the ten days, I worked outside
more than two hours each day. I spent time hoeing in what I hope will
be flower beds this year around the house and garage. I spent hours
spreading wood chips and last year's grass clippings in our huge garden.
I spent many hours raking and cleaning up brush in the back part of our
property. I also fired up my treadmill. (when I saw one of my dogs
using it as a place to sleep, I knew it was time to put it back into

4. I have also increased my water intake dramatically. I'm drinking 8-10
glasses per day.

5. I am faithfully documenting everything I eat and drink. I also write
the time and why I was eating. (ex: hungry, bored, special tv show, or
happy) Doing this makes me more accountable.

All of these factors has had a positive impact on my weight loss journey the past 10 days. I plan to continue working outside....just not when my husband is burning brush and leaves. (Finally learned by lesson about poison ivy)

I haven't been able to blog because there was one pitfall to all this outside work. I have gotten the worst case of poison ivy I've ever had. My face and eyes are so red and swollen. My lips are numb and so is part of my tongue. My eyes are almost shut and have been watering so bad the past few days it's hard for me to see. I've also got it real bad on my hands and arms. It's hard for me to type without stopping to scratch.

I'm off to soak my hands. I try and tell myself my home remedies are doing some good. (sighs)


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

More LA Weight Loss Centers Closing in Texas

An individual employed at a Texas LA Weight Loss Center has informed me the offices in Austin, Corpus Christi, and the Victoria LA Weightloss Centers are closing. The employees have been instructed not to tell customers the offices are closing but to tell them they are shortenig their times of being open.

This employee along with a few of her coworkers, are saddened by these tactics. She emphazised how much these employees really care about their clients. She wants the readers to know, there really are lots of good, caring counselors.

She wants people to know the truth about these LA Weight Loss Centers.

Thank you for sharing this information. I know it will help many people.

To the clients: Although your weight loss facility maybe closing, stay focused and continue on your weight loss journey. Take what you have learned and stay on track. YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!!!!!.......one pound at a time.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss Weight Gain I Was Feeling Bummed Out

This last case of poison ivy sure threw me for a loop. I know I should have went to the doctor's but I'm stubborn as a mule and wouldn't listen to my husband or mom. Needless to say, it was a bad experience. In fact, my hands still aren't back to normal. I still have sores and the dried skin is itching like crazy.

During this last bout, my face was so swollen and red I couldn't go anywhere. My hands were swollen real bad and itched to the point I felt like I wanted to cut them off at the wrist. All this lead to little sleep for about 2 weeks.

The bad part of not sleeping is eating. I got on the scale and saw I had gained back those 4 pounds I had lost. I was totally bummed out. I decided that was it. I had to make some changes.

I decided to start my new life changes with a hair cut. I drove into town Thursday and made a hair appointment for later that day. I also decided to do volunteer work at our local hospital.

There were two lady volunteers working the front desk at the hospital when I asked for an application to volunteer. They were so friendly and told me how bad they needed help in the gift shop. Since I don't know anyone down here, they had me write them down as references. I kind of laughed to myself...thinking...wow..they'd never do that back home. They always ran serious background checks on people. They also had my sign up for Senior Circle ($27 per year for a couple $15 for a single) and Healthy Women Program(free).

While I was filling out my applications, I noticed a group of people lined up signing up for something at a table set up in the lobby. Low and behold...it was sign-up day for an 8 week weight loss program sponsored by the hospital.

I knew then and there, God must have sent me to the hospital to get involved in that program as well. That sign up experience will be my next post.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Losing A Dear Friend

I met Debbie 30 years ago at college. It was my first day of my first class. I was a bit nervous as I was 28 years old and hadn't studied in so many years. I saw an empty seat next to a woman that looked to be close to my age in the back row and headed right for it.

That day was the beginning of a lasting friendship. It was also her first day of class and her first class as well. We figured it must have been God's Will for us to meet. Although we had never met, she was from my home town. I recognized her last name and had a vague memory of one of her sisters.

I still remember when we graduated Junior College. We were assembled in the cafeteria as a group before going to the auditorium for the ceremony. As we were waiting, my name was called. My heart dropped. I figured I must have flunked my final in Geometry and wouldn't be graduating. To my surprise, I was handed an envelope with a gold tassle. Wow, I was graduating with High Honors. I knew then, Debbie's name was going to be called too. Yep, she also got a gold tassle for her efforts. We were so proud of ourselves that night.

We transfered to a University and continued our studies for another four years, graduating with a Masters Degree. After graduation, we didn't see much of each other. Our jobs lead us in different directions.

I ran into Debbie about 4 years ago at the grocery store near my mom's house. It had been over 10 years since we had seen each other. I told her I had just moved back to town and gave her my address.

It was great having a Christian friend back in my life. I'll always remember the Bible studies and prayer meetings we had.

Debbie spent most of her life helping the poor and homeless. She'd teach God's Word while trying to find people a home, a job, and get them clothing. She never had much money or possessions but still shared with others.

I moved down south little over a year ago. She called about 6 months ago and planned to come visit. Money was always tight so she wasn't sure when she was going to make it.

I have the newspaper sent down here. Although I have no intentions of ever moving back there, I still like to keep up on the hometown news.

I was so shocked last week when I read the obituraries....my girlfriend. Debbie, had died!! She was only 59 years old. I had sent her a Christmas card but hadn't got a response. I hadn't really thought much about it. I figured she probably didn't have money for cards or stamps. Something was telling me I ought to give her a call. I kept telling myself....I'll call her some other time.

I was equally surprised to read she died on my birthday. I'm still feeling so bad. I wish someone would have called me when she got sick....I wish I would have called when that little voice told me to phone her.

Debbie is going to be missed by many.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Volunteer Work = Great Exercise

Thursday my husband and I volunteered to help pass out food for a county organization. We both grabbed a bottle of water and headed for the armory at 7:45 am. We weren't sure what to expect but were looking forward to helping in some way.

Wow...talk about a great workout. We spent almost 4 hours loading 30 pounds sacks of food off the floor into a grocery cart and then taking the cart to a client's car and unloading it. Depending on the family size, they got either two or four bags. Up and down....back and forth...wow...I could really feel it in my legs and my shoulders after a couple of hours.

I forgot to bring my pedometer so I'm not sure how far I walked. I wore a pair of cheap tennis shoes with no support. My feet started hurting after a couple of hours. The hard concrete really takes a toll on my feet. Next month I'm wearing a good pair of shoes. I usually wear cobbie cobblers...they are great.

I really enjoyed helping this organization. This was the best workout I've had in a long time. I woke up Friday morning with sore arms, sore shoulders, and sore legs. I wonder how many calories I burned. I've never been sore after working out at the gym. I guess it goes to show I don't push myself hard enough on the machines.

I met some nice workers as well as nice participants. People were so genuine. I heard some heart-wrenching life stories from a few of the clients. I sympathized with them and put them in my prayers.

This day was not only a great workout on my weight loss journey but an eye-opener to the despair felt my so many in this community. I hope my words of encouragement and prayers help.

(I retired from the post office. This postage stamp says it all.)


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss Motivation Using A Pedometer

How much do we weigh....how much weight do we need to lose? Our society is all about numbers. Seeing things in black and white gives us something to gage our success/failure. A recent study done by Stanford University, shows using a pedometer will make people walk more. People increase their steps by about 2,000 steps per day according to Dr Dena Bravata, a research scientist at Stanford. In turn, more exercise will lead to increased weight loss.

The American Medical Association did an analysis of 26 studies concluding that using a pedometer is a motivator in increasing physical acivity. They found the more sedetary a person is, the more effective a pedometer is in motivating her/him.

My favorite pedometer is the Omron JH-112. I've been using this one for about couple of years. It has a 7 day memory and is easy to use. They are reasonable priced and can be purchased at most local retail stores.

Many things can help motivate you on your weight loss journey. A pedometer is just one of them. Give it a try. (Remember to keep track of your steps in a journal so you can measue your weight loss success.)


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

LA Weight Loss Center in McAllen Tx

One of my readers is a member of the LA Weight Loss Center in McAllen Texas. She feels the place has gone down hill. She says she is having to pay for products when they come back although she had paid for them previously.

She was wondering if there was anyone else in the Rio Grande Valley having problems with this Center. She'd like to hear from you.

It's great when we make a commitment to lose weight. When we shell out money to join a program to accomplish our weight loss goal, and we receive shoddy service, it is disheartening. Because we are overweight doesn't mean we aren't smart. We can tell when we are dealing with a trained professional or a wanna-be professional flying by the seat of their pants.

There is a list of various jobs, such as sales managers, and counselors available with the LA Weight Loss Franchise all over the country. I wonder what the qualifications are for these positions. You can check them out here.

Anyone from the Rio Grande Valley?....Anyone else having a recent problem with their weight loss center?....I'd love to hear from you.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Nutrition Class for Weight Loss

This eight week weight loss program offers free nutrition classes. I attended my first class this past Tuesday. The room was packed. The program is called Lifesteps.

The first class was basicly an overview of what we will be covering for the next 8 weeks presented by a registered dietian. Our final weigh-in will be April 10th. We will be learning how to read food labels properly, portion control, and proper food choices. She also stressed the importance of exercise whether one is just starting to workout or an avid runner/walker.

We went over The Big Picture of Lifesteps Weight Management. She presented a balanced scale.

CALORIES IN..........................CALORIES OUT
1. What you eat............................1. Metabolism
2. How much you eat...................2. Physical Activity
3. How often you eat
4. How you eat
5. Why you eat

She explained all the elements of the Big Picture affect our weight. Lifesteps will help us identify areas of the Big Picture which most affect our weight. Lifesteps will also help us develop a plan to bring our own weight equation into balance.

These are the questions she had us all answer privately:
1. Are you here because you want to lose weight?
2. Are you ready to make a life-long commitment to healthy, moderate eating
habits and regular physical activity?
3. Are you willing to take the weight off slowly?
4. Are you trying to become a slimmer version of yourself?
5. Are you willing to evaluate your attitudes about food, exercise, and weight?
6. Do you have a network of family and friends who will support your efforts to
make lifestyle changes?
7. Will your current circumstances allow you to make behavior change a high
priority in your life?
8. Are you willing to keep a record of your food intake and physical activity?
9. Are you eady to target a goal weight that is realistic and healthy for you?

If you answered YES to all the questions, you are ready to make a commitment to losing weight. And the Lifesteps program may be just what you are looking for to succeed.

The official scale weight scale is in the room this class was given. I decided to way myself after class. I was down 3 pounds from my official starting weight. I left the room feeling pretty pumped up.

This time I'm going to KEEP the weight off once I get down to my ideal weight.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

More LA Weight Loss Centers Closing in Tennessee

I have received an email from an employee at a Tennessee LA Weight Loss Center in regards to centers closing in her area shortly. If you are a member of one of the centers in Memphis, Germantown or Bartlett TN, you need to get a refund. At least attempt to get your money back. They are closing in a matter of weeks.

She states Germantown and Memphis LA Weightloss Centers are still running commercials to sign people up, knowing they are closing in a few weeks. She states that if you are presently a member, you should already notice that all the counselors are gone. They got rid of everyone of them because they didn't want them to tell any of the clients the Centers were closing.

They are still continuing to enroll people for their year long program.

I want to thank the person for sending this information. I'm know this information will be helpful to many readers. It will keep unsuspecting people from signing up and perhaps help others attempt to get a refund from these LA Weight Loss Centers.

I'd like to suggest people check with their local hospital and see if or when they will be running a weight loss program. My hospital in Selmer, TN started a weight loss program three weeks ago. It's a GREAT program and only cost $10 for 8 weeks. It includes the use of 3 different gyms (you pick one), nutrition classes every week and the chance to win cash at the end of the program. The day of the nutrition class, you can also purchase a healthy meal in the cafeteria for $3.

The gym I chose for my 8 week program (McNairy County Athletic Club) is open 24 hours and has a separate men and women's side. It also includes a tanning bed. They are very helpful at the club and will set up an exercise program that fits your level of fitness.

I'm losing weight and having fun doing it on this program. I've also met so many nice people. What more could a person as for.....weight loss.....fun.....new friends. Wow.....what a win-win situation.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

No New Years Resolutions...Reflections & Anticipations

Every year I ring in the new year, I am close to celebrating another birthday. Eight more days and I add another digit. I'm going to be 57 years old.

As I sit and reflect on the past years, an array of events have been swirling through my head. I think about the joys, and sorrows experienced by family, friends, and nations during the past year. I reflect on the things I have done/not done to make things better.

I am an optomist and look forward to the new year. For me, the new year is all about, strengthening family ties....making new friends..... experiencing new adventures and helping people in my community. I don't call these my new year resolutions. They are my plans to my little part of the world a better place to live.

Life........I love it!!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Recipes Under 300 Calories

When we fix meals it's often hard to figure out the calories, carbs, or proteins in a serving. This can play havoc on any weight loss program you are following.

Like most women, I have more cookbooks than I care to count. Most of them never leave the bookcase. I have found it is much easier to look up a recipe online. So whether I'm looking for a low calorie, low carb or high protein recipe...it's easy to find.

I enjoy the Betty Crocker recipe site. It is a computer friendly site making it easy to find recipes for a specific item or requirement such as low fat or low calorie. The recipes directions are easy to follow and use basic ingredients. You can rate each recipe as well as read and give a review. Each has a picture of what the finished product should look like.

How about a Chinese Pork and Pasta recipe? The recipe is for a serving of 6 with a calorie content of 255 per serving.

Another appetizing recipe is Skillet Beef & Vegetable Stew. It is a recipe for 6 servings and only takes 25 minutes to make. It has a surprisingly low calorie content of 175 per serving.

These are just a few of the low calorie recipes at the Betty Crocker site. No matter what kind of weight loss program or diet you are on, you will find something at this site that can fit your needs.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Tax Deductions for Weight Loss

It's that time of the year again. Time to file our 2007 Federal Income Tax. Treament for conditions such as obesity, hypertension, and heart disease are eligible deductions on your federal tax form as long as certain conditions are met.

Fees you pay for membership in a weight loss reduction group and attendance at peridioc meetings meet the criteria.

You cannot include membership dues in a gym, health club, or spa as medical expenses. On the other hand, you can include sepaerate fees charged at these places for weight loss activities.

In order to claim any of these items on your federal income tax form, you must file the itemized form. To get a better understanding of all items that meet the criteria, check IRS Publication 502. It also covers most frequently asked questions.

There are a couple of other sites that have some good examples of programs that are eligible. I've covered them in this post.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Eating To Lose Weight

I know that "Eating To Lose Weight" sounds like an oxy moron statement. It's true...we do need to eat to lose weight. The key is eating healthy along with portion control. I just finished eating a bowl of Curves cereal. It was a sample box I got in the mail. It's actually similar to bran flakes. I love the fact it was one serving.

I know many people think they can't lose weight if they eat breakfast. I think it is because they are not able to figure out exactly how to make a single portion. Thus, when they think they are eating a 200 calories meal, in actuality is 400 calories.

I bought a double unit Zevro dispenser. I have one side filled with oatmeal and the other with cereal. All you have to do is turn the handle once and you get a one ounce serving. Using this dispenser is cheaper in the long run than buying the single packets of cereal. There are always a couple in the variety pack I don't like so buying that is a real waste of money for me.
I bought my dual Zevro dispenser on Ebay for $17.00 plus postage. I checked Ebay today and there are several single and double units for sale at a reasonable price. This dual unit sells for $169.00 on the Zevro website. I also checked on Amazon.com and they have Zevro dispensers available at prices starting as low as $16.95 for a single unit.

Zevro is a product that helping me on my weight loss journey. Anyone else using this product? How do you like it?


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Diet...An Easy Weight Loss Recipe for 2 pounds per week

It is human nature to look for the easiest way to accomplish a task. This is evident when you look at all the weight loss products and gadgets that are on the market today.

I was visiting Funny Jack's weight loss blog. He has a sure fire recipe for losing 2 pounds a week. It brought a smile to my face as I read it. Stop by and check it out. I think you will have to agree, it's a GREAT diet recipe for anyone trying to lose weight.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Why it's Important To Me to Lose Weight

For me, losing weight is one of the hardest things to accomplish. I know....I've lost over 100 pounds three times in my life. I've asked myself over and over, how could you let yourself gain all that weight back AGAIN. I've rationalized all kinds of reasons, and made all kinds of excuses for myself. The bottom line, I made poor choices and consumed more calories than I burned.

In recent years, I've been what I call a yoyo dieter. I lose some weight and then gain some back. Having lost my girlfriend last month at the age of 59, I've decided I need to get back into a serious weight loss mode. I remember how her kids use to call her for advice or encouragement. I want to be around for my kids.

Today, I am renewing my effort at this weight loss journey. I've started my day with a bottle of water and a cup of coffee. I'm not hungry right now but plan on having a bowl of oatmeal when I do decide to eat.

Last year I bought a really nice treadmill. I haven't figured out all the programs on it. I really only want to know how far I've gone, the speed, amount of calories I've burned, and the amount of time I've been on it. I also like the fact I can adjust the incline.

Each time I've lost weight, I've done it through good food choices and exercise. I know I can reach my weight loss goal again.

I'm off to take a walk on my treadmill. My short term goal is: lose 2 pounds this week.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Volunteers Needed for Nutrition/Diet Study

If you are between the ages of 18 and 64, you may be interesting in participating in a nutrition and diet study conducted by the University of Virginia. The study will be comparing two different diets. Each phase lasts for 4 weeks with a 4-8 week break. All food is provided for the 4 week diet and compensation is $300.

This study also provides the participant with other pertinent information such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood fats.

Centerwatch is a great place to find other diet and nutrition studies that are being done in other states. It also covers studies being administered in many other fields.

There are several other sites which provide information on clinical studies. I have them listed in a previous post.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Successful Diet Tips That Have Been Tested

It's always great to get tips and strategies that are successful in a weight loss program. I like to read about studies that have been done and the results. Although I think some studies are too narrow and some too biased, it gives me a base to which I can do my own evaluation.

Self Magazine had some it's readers try the most popular statagies. Here are the results from a three week study.

1.Skip All Soda
Pounds Lost...... 1 to 8 (average 4)
Soda contains zero nutrients. Water is the best alternative as it aids in

2. Eat Breakfast, even if you're not hungry
Pounds Lost...... 3 to 8 (average 5)
You'll teach your body to adjust to A.M. calories, so you'll need fewer
later in the day. *250-500 calorie per morning

3. Banish Trigger Foods From Your Home
Pounds Lost...... 1 to 10 (average 6)
If you keep treats in the house, opt for the single-serve portions many
are only 100 calories.

4. Swap in Lowfat, Fat-free Or Sugar-free Versions Of Foods You Crave
Pounds Lost...... 0 to 1 (average 1)
Using this strategy, you can eat what you love without excess calories.
Read your labels...low fat doesn't mean low calorie.

5. Use Smaller Plates And Glasses
Pounds Lost...... 0 to 3 (average 1)
We eat on the average, 92% of food we put on our plate. This is a way
of tricking yourself into eating less.

6. Dine Out Less Often
Pounds Lost...... 2 to 11 (average 6)
Resturant meals usually have about 50% more calories, fat and sodium
than home cooked meals.

7. Rate Your Hunger Before Deciding To Eat
Pounds Lost...... 0 to 4 (average 1)
Regularly checking your need for food will help you comtrol how much you
end up eating.

8. Start Your Meal With Soup, Salad or Fruit
Pounds Lost...... 1 to 2 (average 1.5)
Keep your first course high in volume and around 100 calories and you'll
shrink your total daily intake.

9. Eat Your Meals With No Distractions
Pounds Lost...... 0 to 5 (average 3)
When you get distracted, you mindlessly consume extra calories.
Eat slowly, concentrate on your food's taste and texture.
By changing the way you eat, you may change how much you eat.

You can read the comments of the people who tested these tips here.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Which Diet is the Best?

There are so many diets to choose from when we are deciding to lose weight. A few of the diets:

* low-calorie diet
* low-fat diet
* vegetarian diet
* low-sugar
* low-carb diet

I've tried several different diets over the years. Each one of them having lists of foods to eat and foods to avoid. It can be confusing to say the least.

I was reading a section at Ivillage what has the best foods for your diet. They have several diets listed and the foods that are acceptable for each one.

Seeing so many different diets at one place makes it easier to choose one that will best fit your needs and lifestyle. This website has a wide array of helpful information.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Pure Weight Loss Centers.....Are They All Closing?

In the past few days, I've had a lot of comments left regarding the closings of Pure Weight Loss Centers on a previous article I wrote. It appears many are closing effective January 4, 2008.

With so many people making New Year's Resolutions to lose weight, I would have thought business would have picked up in January.

I went to the Pure Weight Loss Center website. When I tried to talk with someone, I kept getting, "All circuits are busy now. Try your call later." I then decided to try the choice that asking you if you're interesting in joining. Like magic...I got through. I called 1-800-331-4035. They must be able to monitor where the calls come from as this girl immediately told me she had two Pure Weight Loss centers in Memphis and one in Southhaven, TN. Since I live two hours from either of those towns, I asked her about a center in Jackson, TN. The phone number for that Pure Weight Loss Center is 1-731-661-9002. (Today 01/03/08, I checked and the website no longer exists.)
I called the office located in Jackson, TN and asked her if that center was closing down. She told me no!! She stated it was the CORPORATE Pure Weight Loss Centers that were closing. All the FRANCHISE Pure Weight Loss Centers are still going to be in operation.

Maybe if you call the 1-800-331-4035, they can direct you to a Pure Weight Loss Center which is a franchise in your area. Since each of them are independently owned, I'm sure the answers will vary somewhat with each business.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Is Weight Loss Your Resolution For The New Year?

Tomorrow we start writing 2008. I don't know where the time has gone. I just got use to writing 2007. With the New Year comes resolutions...things such as: weight loss, eating healthy, exercising, saving money, spending more time with loved ones, or just spending more time pampering yourself.

I think very often people make the same resolutions they made the previous year. Weight loss is a big one. The number of obese/overweight people in the world is still on the rise. It only makes sense more people are going to make resolutions to get those extra pounds off.

For those that have tried and have had little or know success, take a look a what you have tried in the past. You know what hasn't worked. Try something new. Four things I feel that will make a weight loss journey successful is:
1. Document what you eat/drink and the time. You may be a "clock" eater.
You may be a "tv" eater. (EX: A certain time or show comes on and it
triggers you to eat.)
2. Increase your water intake. Drink 8/10 glasses of water per
day. (It helps to flush your system and gives you a full
3. Set short and long term goals for yourself. (EX: Start by
walking 15 minutes a day and increase it to two 15 minute
walks per day.)
4. Have a good support system. (EX: Include family, friends,
weight loss enthusiasts, and other weight loss bloggers.)
Many will join you on your journey...good healthy competion
is always a good motivator.

Whether you have 10 pounds or a 100 pounds to lose, incorporate these four things into your program and you will be successful. Remember, a healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

La Weight Loss.....Many Caring Counselors

Whether you are trying to lose weight or find that perfect dress....the service you receive from the employee is never the same. Some people are good at their job while others are only there to collect their paycheck. They don't care about the service they render.

I have had over 60 comments left on the LA Weight Loss Closing post I made. Many are from irate customers. There are also many comments from LA Weight Loss counselors who really cared about their customers.

Check out the comments here. Many of the counselors left instructions on how to continue with the program. There are also counselors still willing to help clients on their own.

Don't give up on your weight loss program because La Weight Loss Centers closed. Continue the commitment you have made to yourself and you will continue to lose weight. Watch the scale go down as you climb the ladder of weight loss success.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Scientifically Proven Weight Loss Method

There are numerous ways by which people can lose weight. There are weight loss programs, various diets, pills, drinks, and many exercise programs that claim to be successful. When you reseach any of these programs, you will always find testimonials from people who claim to have had success. Reviewing aa the successful weight loss results makes it difficult to decide which one fits your needs and life style and will be successful for you.

According to WebMD, it has been scientifically proven: The key isn't just what you eat, it's what you write. I mention quite frequently, the importance of documenting what you eat and drink everyday. A food journal is the key to success on any weight loss program you chose.

Through the study, it has been noted the less you document in your food journal, the less weight you will lose.

The bottom line is, once you have chosen a weight loss program, start your food diary and faithfully and honestly track your food intake. This is one reason Weight Watchers Program is a successful diet program, it asks participants to track what they eat.

I also suggest writing it down before you eat. It will make you think twice. Perhaps you will decide you don't need that ice cream bar and eat some jello instead.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Weight Loss Competition....How Well Does It Work?

I think most people are competitive at some level. I believe a person's competitive spirit can be a motivating factor. It can be applied to all area's in a person's life. Today, I'm focusing on the success of competition in a weight loss program.

There are many ways in which a person can compete in their own weight loss journey. A few weight loss competitive methods are:
1. Self vs. family member/friend
2. One group vs. another group (neighborhood/gym)
3. Self vs. online friend/group
4. Self vs. me (do better than the previous week/month)

If you decide to try one of these on your weight loss journey, document your day. It makes it so much easier to see how and why you succeeded/failed when it is down in black and white.

A new competative weight loss site just popped up. Two brothers are competing against each other to lose weight/body fat. I'm going to track their success. You can check their site out here.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]