Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I've Lost 4 Pounds in 10 Days

I was so happy to see I've lost 4 pounds in 10 days. I've shown myself that when I make a commitment to myself, I can accomplish it. My husband and mom don't realize I'm trying to lose weight. I've decided not to tell them. I think it's kind of funny they haven't noticed any changes in my eating.

These are the changes I've made in the past ten days to lose 4 pounds.

1. I've quit eating nutty buddy ice cream cones (270 calories each)
I had been eating two of them a day. I now eat grapes when I want a
a snack.

2. I've quit eating white bread. I'm now eating whole wheat bread. I'm
eating less bread because started eating more oatmeal. Sometimes
I'll fix a bowl of oatmeal for a snack.

3. I've increased my exercise. Five out of the ten days, I worked outside
more than two hours each day. I spent time hoeing in what I hope will
be flower beds this year around the house and garage. I spent hours
spreading wood chips and last year's grass clippings in our huge garden.
I spent many hours raking and cleaning up brush in the back part of our
property. I also fired up my treadmill. (when I saw one of my dogs
using it as a place to sleep, I knew it was time to put it back into

4. I have also increased my water intake dramatically. I'm drinking 8-10
glasses per day.

5. I am faithfully documenting everything I eat and drink. I also write
the time and why I was eating. (ex: hungry, bored, special tv show, or
happy) Doing this makes me more accountable.

All of these factors has had a positive impact on my weight loss journey the past 10 days. I plan to continue working outside....just not when my husband is burning brush and leaves. (Finally learned by lesson about poison ivy)

I haven't been able to blog because there was one pitfall to all this outside work. I have gotten the worst case of poison ivy I've ever had. My face and eyes are so red and swollen. My lips are numb and so is part of my tongue. My eyes are almost shut and have been watering so bad the past few days it's hard for me to see. I've also got it real bad on my hands and arms. It's hard for me to type without stopping to scratch.

I'm off to soak my hands. I try and tell myself my home remedies are doing some good. (sighs)


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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