Thursday, January 3, 2008

Weight Loss Competition....How Well Does It Work?

I think most people are competitive at some level. I believe a person's competitive spirit can be a motivating factor. It can be applied to all area's in a person's life. Today, I'm focusing on the success of competition in a weight loss program.

There are many ways in which a person can compete in their own weight loss journey. A few weight loss competitive methods are:
1. Self vs. family member/friend
2. One group vs. another group (neighborhood/gym)
3. Self vs. online friend/group
4. Self vs. me (do better than the previous week/month)

If you decide to try one of these on your weight loss journey, document your day. It makes it so much easier to see how and why you succeeded/failed when it is down in black and white.

A new competative weight loss site just popped up. Two brothers are competing against each other to lose weight/body fat. I'm going to track their success. You can check their site out here.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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