Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pure Weight Loss Centers.....Are They All Closing?

In the past few days, I've had a lot of comments left regarding the closings of Pure Weight Loss Centers on a previous article I wrote. It appears many are closing effective January 4, 2008.

With so many people making New Year's Resolutions to lose weight, I would have thought business would have picked up in January.

I went to the Pure Weight Loss Center website. When I tried to talk with someone, I kept getting, "All circuits are busy now. Try your call later." I then decided to try the choice that asking you if you're interesting in joining. Like magic...I got through. I called 1-800-331-4035. They must be able to monitor where the calls come from as this girl immediately told me she had two Pure Weight Loss centers in Memphis and one in Southhaven, TN. Since I live two hours from either of those towns, I asked her about a center in Jackson, TN. The phone number for that Pure Weight Loss Center is 1-731-661-9002. (Today 01/03/08, I checked and the website no longer exists.)
I called the office located in Jackson, TN and asked her if that center was closing down. She told me no!! She stated it was the CORPORATE Pure Weight Loss Centers that were closing. All the FRANCHISE Pure Weight Loss Centers are still going to be in operation.

Maybe if you call the 1-800-331-4035, they can direct you to a Pure Weight Loss Center which is a franchise in your area. Since each of them are independently owned, I'm sure the answers will vary somewhat with each business.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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