Wednesday, January 16, 2008

La Weight Loss.....Many Caring Counselors

Whether you are trying to lose weight or find that perfect dress....the service you receive from the employee is never the same. Some people are good at their job while others are only there to collect their paycheck. They don't care about the service they render.

I have had over 60 comments left on the LA Weight Loss Closing post I made. Many are from irate customers. There are also many comments from LA Weight Loss counselors who really cared about their customers.

Check out the comments here. Many of the counselors left instructions on how to continue with the program. There are also counselors still willing to help clients on their own.

Don't give up on your weight loss program because La Weight Loss Centers closed. Continue the commitment you have made to yourself and you will continue to lose weight. Watch the scale go down as you climb the ladder of weight loss success.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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