Friday, October 26, 2007

Dreading A Needle

My yearly prescriptions are about to run out so I had to see a doctor to get them renewed. Since we've moved over 550 miles, I had to find a new doctor. When I took my husband to the Medical Center yesterday, I asked for an appointment with any doctor.

They gave me an appointment in the afternoon with a new doctor. He was really nice. Found out, he was originally from up near Chicago. No accent and easier to understand...what more could one ask for all I needed were my prescriptions refilled.

He told me instead of coming every 6 months like so many doctors in this area require, he'd only have me come once a year if I promised to workout 20 minutes 5 days a week. I saw no problem with that.

He told me I'd have to get a blood test so he could check my cholesterol. I wasn't to happy about that. Me and needles are like oil and water, we don't get along.

I went to the Medical Center this morning for the dreaded blood test. The girl looked at the veins in my left arm and said, "Wow, you have tiny veins." That was not exactly what I wanted to hear. She then put the rubber thingy on my right arm and said those were even smaller. She proceeded to put the rubber thingy back on my left arm. I was pretty nervous by then. I told her, "This is just a cholesterol test. If you can't get it, no problem. I don't really care if I take that medicine anymore anyway." She seemed like she was kind of new at it as she threw one needle away before she even got started because it felt wiggly? I never heard that before with a needle.

Talk about having some good luck, in walked an experienced nurse. She asked the young girl if she needed any help. She got the needle in and the blood drawn in a heart beat. Whew....I survived.

I'm not sure why I have such a fear of needles. I've been that way all my life. Guess I'm too old to out grow that fear. That just tells me....I better stay healthy!!!!


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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