Monday, March 10, 2008

Weight Loss Weight Gain I Was Feeling Bummed Out

This last case of poison ivy sure threw me for a loop. I know I should have went to the doctor's but I'm stubborn as a mule and wouldn't listen to my husband or mom. Needless to say, it was a bad experience. In fact, my hands still aren't back to normal. I still have sores and the dried skin is itching like crazy.

During this last bout, my face was so swollen and red I couldn't go anywhere. My hands were swollen real bad and itched to the point I felt like I wanted to cut them off at the wrist. All this lead to little sleep for about 2 weeks.

The bad part of not sleeping is eating. I got on the scale and saw I had gained back those 4 pounds I had lost. I was totally bummed out. I decided that was it. I had to make some changes.

I decided to start my new life changes with a hair cut. I drove into town Thursday and made a hair appointment for later that day. I also decided to do volunteer work at our local hospital.

There were two lady volunteers working the front desk at the hospital when I asked for an application to volunteer. They were so friendly and told me how bad they needed help in the gift shop. Since I don't know anyone down here, they had me write them down as references. I kind of laughed to'd never do that back home. They always ran serious background checks on people. They also had my sign up for Senior Circle ($27 per year for a couple $15 for a single) and Healthy Women Program(free).

While I was filling out my applications, I noticed a group of people lined up signing up for something at a table set up in the lobby. Low and was sign-up day for an 8 week weight loss program sponsored by the hospital.

I knew then and there, God must have sent me to the hospital to get involved in that program as well. That sign up experience will be my next post.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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