Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why it's Important To Me to Lose Weight

For me, losing weight is one of the hardest things to accomplish. I know....I've lost over 100 pounds three times in my life. I've asked myself over and over, how could you let yourself gain all that weight back AGAIN. I've rationalized all kinds of reasons, and made all kinds of excuses for myself. The bottom line, I made poor choices and consumed more calories than I burned.

In recent years, I've been what I call a yoyo dieter. I lose some weight and then gain some back. Having lost my girlfriend last month at the age of 59, I've decided I need to get back into a serious weight loss mode. I remember how her kids use to call her for advice or encouragement. I want to be around for my kids.

Today, I am renewing my effort at this weight loss journey. I've started my day with a bottle of water and a cup of coffee. I'm not hungry right now but plan on having a bowl of oatmeal when I do decide to eat.

Last year I bought a really nice treadmill. I haven't figured out all the programs on it. I really only want to know how far I've gone, the speed, amount of calories I've burned, and the amount of time I've been on it. I also like the fact I can adjust the incline.

Each time I've lost weight, I've done it through good food choices and exercise. I know I can reach my weight loss goal again.

I'm off to take a walk on my treadmill. My short term goal is: lose 2 pounds this week.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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