Saturday, January 5, 2008

Weight Loss Motivation Using A Pedometer

How much do we much weight do we need to lose? Our society is all about numbers. Seeing things in black and white gives us something to gage our success/failure. A recent study done by Stanford University, shows using a pedometer will make people walk more. People increase their steps by about 2,000 steps per day according to Dr Dena Bravata, a research scientist at Stanford. In turn, more exercise will lead to increased weight loss.

The American Medical Association did an analysis of 26 studies concluding that using a pedometer is a motivator in increasing physical acivity. They found the more sedetary a person is, the more effective a pedometer is in motivating her/him.

My favorite pedometer is the Omron JH-112. I've been using this one for about couple of years. It has a 7 day memory and is easy to use. They are reasonable priced and can be purchased at most local retail stores.

Many things can help motivate you on your weight loss journey. A pedometer is just one of them. Give it a try. (Remember to keep track of your steps in a journal so you can measue your weight loss success.)


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

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