Monday, December 31, 2007

Is Weight Loss Your Resolution For The New Year?

Tomorrow we start writing 2008. I don't know where the time has gone. I just got use to writing 2007. With the New Year comes resolutions...things such as: weight loss, eating healthy, exercising, saving money, spending more time with loved ones, or just spending more time pampering yourself.

I think very often people make the same resolutions they made the previous year. Weight loss is a big one. The number of obese/overweight people in the world is still on the rise. It only makes sense more people are going to make resolutions to get those extra pounds off.

For those that have tried and have had little or know success, take a look a what you have tried in the past. You know what hasn't worked. Try something new. Four things I feel that will make a weight loss journey successful is:
1. Document what you eat/drink and the time. You may be a "clock" eater.
You may be a "tv" eater. (EX: A certain time or show comes on and it
triggers you to eat.)
2. Increase your water intake. Drink 8/10 glasses of water per
day. (It helps to flush your system and gives you a full
3. Set short and long term goals for yourself. (EX: Start by
walking 15 minutes a day and increase it to two 15 minute
walks per day.)
4. Have a good support system. (EX: Include family, friends,
weight loss enthusiasts, and other weight loss bloggers.)
Many will join you on your journey...good healthy competion
is always a good motivator.

Whether you have 10 pounds or a 100 pounds to lose, incorporate these four things into your program and you will be successful. Remember, a healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pure Weight Loss Centers.....Are They All Closing?

In the past few days, I've had a lot of comments left regarding the closings of Pure Weight Loss Centers on a previous article I wrote. It appears many are closing effective January 4, 2008.

With so many people making New Year's Resolutions to lose weight, I would have thought business would have picked up in January.

I went to the Pure Weight Loss Center weight loss website. When I tried to talk with someone, I kept getting, "All circuits are busy now. Try your call later." I then decided to try the choice that asking you if you're interesting in joining. Like magic...I got through. I called 1-800-331-4035. They must be able to monitor where the calls come from as this girl immediately told me she had two Pure Weight Loss centers in Memphis and one in Southhaven, TN. Since I live two hours from either of those towns, I asked her about a center in Jackson, TN. The phone number for that Pure Weight Loss Center is 1-731-661-9002.

I called the office located in Jackson, TN and asked her if that center was closing down. She told me no!! She stated it was the CORPORATE Pure Weight Loss Centers that were closing. All the FRANCHISE Pure Weight Loss Centers are still going to be in operation.

Maybe if you call the 1-800-331-4035, they can direct you to a Pure Weight Loss Center which is a franchise in your area. Since each of them are independently owned, I'm sure the answers will vary somewhat with each business.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]

Sunday, December 9, 2007

How to Lose Weight Without Going Hungry

It may sound backwards, but you need to eat to lose weight. There isn't any magic pill or food that will melt the fat off. According to an article in this month's issue of Woman's Day, the following 20 foods/drinks, can help to jump-start your metabolism. They will fill you up and lower your body fat percentage.

The list in no particular order
1. Salmon------excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids
2. Coffee------loaded with antioxidants(lattes & cappucchinos use skim milk)
3. Yogurt------high in protein
4. Eggs--------high in protein and vitamins B & D
5. Walnuts-----high in protein, omega-3 & monounsaturated fats
6. Bison/buffalo---similar to beef but lower in fat, cholesterol & calories
7. Grapefruit--a 12 week study was basis for this food selection
8. Green tea---may raise metabolism
9. Water-------keeping hydrated prevents you from mistaking thirst for hunger
10. Chili peppers---increase metabolism
11. Beans-------high in fiber & protein & low-calories & low in fat
12. Tofu & Edamame---low calorie for vegetarians
13. Apples------improves blood sugar levels
14. Avocados----keeps you satiated and helps prevent disease
15. Blackberries---rich in water & fiber and high antioxidants
16. Quinoa------vegetarian grain high in protein, fiber & good fat
17. Oatmeal-----full of fiber
18. Flaxseed----contains phytoestrogens, helps improve blood sugar control
19. Broccoli----tons of fiber and very low in calories
20. Soup--------Based on a study done by Penn State

Understanding why a food/drink is good or bad for you, will help you in planning your family menus. Whether you are trying to lose weight, maintain your weight, or have a healthy lifestyle, knowing the benefits of your food choices will help you be successful.

To read the entire article, click here.


[Source: Fatty Weight Loss]