Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Navy Seals Perfect Pushup

navy seal perfect pushup
I've seen these almost 3 times now in 2 days, so I've realized that it's something that I need to have a more in depth look at. During a recent trip to Las Vegas, I saw a magazine/ ad showing this Navy Seal Perfect Pushup device, then saw it again on a television in a Casino. I'm not going to wait for the 3rd time, I'm going to act and get a pair. It's the traditional two handle pushup stand but with a functional twist, literally.

The military realized that 73% of Navy Seals were on disability after 20 years of service so they spent an entire year researching why and found that it was the traditional weight training exercises that did the damage. They switched to functional training and the Perfect Pushup was invented.

Navy SEALs and Push ups

SEALs strengthen their bodies using several exercise routines, but none is more prevalent than pushups. Even before a SEAL candidate arrives at Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training, they must pass a physical exam that includes a test of how many Pushups they can complete in two minutes. In every phase of BUD/S, pushups remain the staple exercise. In first phase , students must perform 20 pushups on an instructor's command; second phase raises the ante to 40 pushups; and third phase tests the candidates will power and stamina with 50 pushups performed with twenty pounds of equipment on their back. Though SEAL training isn't for everyone, the exercise principles they use definitely are, and it's exactly what we've incorporated into Perfect Pushup workouts. The Perfect Pushup is designed to help you build a better body.

perfect pushup startThe Perfect Pushup is designed to rotate with your body as you put it through the pushup movement. The natural tendency of your shoulders and chest is to rotate, so the perfect pushup rotates with you as you do the movement. The result is less injuries and a better built body.

And, for the price, it's one of the best pieces of exercise equipment I've seen.

The Perfect Pushup can be purchased for $40 directly from the source and travel edition is soon to be available as well.

From what I can tell, the Perfect Pushup is only available in the USA, so if you want to get a pair, you'll have to have it delivered to a US address, then forwarded to your country via a friend or forwarding service.

I will be ordering a pair of the Perfect Pushup and doing a review.

For information visit www.PerfectPushup.com and also the travel version


[Source: Former Fat Guy - Weight Loss Blog]

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